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Add Feature Flags in Ruby on Rails with Flipper

Picture this scenario: you are a Rails developer and have spent the last couple of days developing that awesome feature that everyone is waiting for. It's big and complex, but it went through rigorous testing, so you are confident everything works as it should. There are deadlines to meet, so you deploy. Immediately, all hell breaks loose. Your feature straight up breaks the entire app for some of your users. It's hard to say why. No bugs showed up during testing.

An Introduction to Polymorphism in Ruby on Rails

If you have ever spent time building an Object-Oriented Program (OOP), you have likely used polymorphism in your application or, at the very least, heard the term. It’s the kind of word you’d expect to see in a science or computer science textbook. You may have spent time researching polymorphism and even implemented it in your application without clearly understanding the concept. This article will give you a greater understanding of polymorphism, specifically in Ruby on Rails.

Using Scientist to Refactor Critical Ruby on Rails Code

Ask any software engineer to review key portions of production code, and inevitably, they will point out three things that need to be refactored. So why does so much bad, brittle, or misunderstood code remain running in production? The answer is simple: engineers are afraid to touch it. Refactoring tasks get identified and added to the backlog, but rarely make it into the current sprint. There are numerous reasons for this.

Bootstrapping with Ruby on Rails Generators and Templates

Rails' batteries-included approach is one of its greatest assets. No other framework makes it so effortless to get your application off the ground quickly, at least partially due to Rails' generators. If you've used Rails for any amount of time, you have come across generators. Need to create a new application? Run rails new. Need to scaffold a bunch of new models and views? Run rails generate scaffold. There are dozens more available to help you get started rapidly or streamline your workflow.