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How to Create a Collapsible Filter Panel - Do More with Qlik

In my last blog / video. I showed you how to easily create visual buttons to apply selections and change their visual selection state so they can appear enabled or disabled (selected, not-selected). In this video I'll show you how to setup a filter panel using buttons and the layout container to create a simple collapsible filter panel that is both esthetic and functional while also providing real estate for your dashboard objects.

Cloudera Observability - Financial Governance

Managing and forecasting cluster resource consumption costs is a complex task. Inefficient resource allocations and usage can lead to budget overruns and unexpected expenses. The challenge lies in gaining comprehensive insights into your resource consumption across different regions, departments, and user groups. It's also crucial for accurate financial planning. Cloudera Observability provides powerful financial governance capabilities to tackle these challenges effectively by providing unparalleled insight and control over your resource consumption and costs.

GitTogether | Open Source Dev Containers with DevPod | Hrittik Roy

Many developers are excited about Dev Containers, but until now, people needed to use a managed service like Codespaces or Gitpod to experience that Dev Container magic. DevPod is a new open-source tool that allows users to launch Dev Containers with any infrastructure they have available. DevPod introduces a way to define a development environment that can then be run on any cloud infrastructure or even on a localhost machine using Docker or Kubernetes locally or on the cloud. This talk is all about how you can use DevPod locally or on cloud to run your developer workloads easily.

How to Create Visual Button Selection States - Do More with Qlik

Ever wonder how those Qlik experts make those awesome interactive dashboards? It is easier than you think. Check out this video that quickly shows you how to create custom beautiful buttons to apply selections and visually represent an active or non-active selection state. Allowing users just another way to analyze data in a way that is easy and familiar.

Calling All White Hat Hackers!

Imagine a world where every piece of digital content can be verified and traced back to its source. Lindsay Walker, Product Lead at Starling Lab for Data Integrity, walks us through the emerging tools that could make this possible. While AI tools hold incredible potential for good, Lindsay also warns against threats and countermeasures needed to keep our virtual representations safe. She emphasizes the need to build provenance into tools, discusses blockchain use cases, and shares systems that implement hashes for security.

How to Verify Digital Content to Avoid Misinformation

Imagine a world where every piece of digital content can be verified and traced back to its source. Lindsay Walker, Product Lead at Starling Lab for Data Integrity, walks us through the emerging tools that could make this possible. While AI tools hold incredible potential for good, Lindsay also warns against threats and countermeasures needed to keep our virtual representations safe. She emphasizes the need to build provenance into tools, discusses blockchain use cases, and shares systems that implement hashes for security.

Combinatorial and model-based testing with Xray Enterprise

🚀 Deliver faster and more reliably than ever before with Xray Enterprise. Xray Test Case Designer will guarantee that 100% of the system interactions are covered in as few tests as possible. Every test you generate with the Test Case Designer is optimized to achieve maximum coverage, allowing teams to achieve greater coverage in fewer overall tests.

Software Testing Jobs on 4th April | Automation Tester Vacancies | Curated Job Openings for QAs

Learn The Most In-Demand Testing Tools: This video is a top resource that provides you with the latest job opportunities in the software testing and quality assurance (QA) industry. It allows you to stay up-to-date with the rapidly changing technological landscape by exploring exciting career prospects in both manual and automation testing. Given the high demand for qualified software testers, now is an excellent time to enhance your career prospects.