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Authentication and Authorization Using Middleware in Django

Django is a “batteries-included” framework. It has a wide array of built-in features that handle common web development tasks: URL routing, template engine, object-relational mapping (ORM), and database schema migrations. This makes it highly efficient for rapid development, allowing developers to focus on building their applications' unique aspects without reinventing basic functionalities.

Track Errors in Your Python Django Application with AppSignal

In this post, we will specifically look at using AppSignal to track errors in a Django application. We'll first create a Django project, install AppSignal, introduce some faulty code, and then use the AppSignal Errors dashboard to debug and resolve errors. Let's get started!

How to dockerize a Django, Preact, and PostgreSQL Application

During my recent deep dive into new technologies, I found the classic issues of integrating numerous tech tools effectively. I've written about my experiences to save you the trouble I had. One essential component I've looked into is using Docker to implement containerization. While the initial setup takes a little longer, it significantly simplifies and optimizes your technological stack.

An Introduction to Testing with Django for Python

In a world of ever-changing technology, testing is an integral part of writing robust and reliable software. Tests verify that your code behaves as expected, make it easier to maintain and refactor code, and serve as documentation for your code. There are two widely used testing frameworks for testing Django applications: In this article, we will see how both work. Let's get started!

Django REST API Tutorial: The Ultimate Guide

Are you ready to start exploring the world of API development with Django? In this tutorial, we will begin an exploration of how to leverage Django together with the Django REST framework, a robust and versatile framework for creating efficient and scalable APIs. This guide is designed to provide you with a clear and structured approach to Django REST API, ensuring that both beginners and experienced developers can navigate and utilize this powerful tool with ease.

Options for passwordless authentication in Django apps

Passwordless authentication is gaining popularity as a secure and user-friendly alternative to traditional password-based authentication in Django applications. In this article, we will delve into three passwordless authentication methods: email-based authentication, authentication with OAuth, and authentication with magic links.

Overcoming the Cold Start Challenge with Gunicorn Workers in Python in Django Applications

Performance metrics in computer science are typically based on time and space complexity. Time complexity deals with the application's execution time, while space complexity pertains to the memory it consumes during execution. For Django, performance relates to the speed at which a server processes user requests and returns results. The quicker the response, the better the user experience.

Identifying and Troubleshooting Inefficiencies in Django ORM

The Python web framework Django is an excellent choice for building performant web apps. Disqus, Pinterest, and Instagram are all built on a Django foundation. Django offers simplicity, flexibility, reliability, scalability, and all the tools you need to build a web app from admin to authentication to ORM. But this “batteries included” approach has disadvantages. It can hide a lot of the true complexity of an app from developers. Django ORM is a great example.