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How Application of Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Business

Artificial intelligence works on the principle of human intelligence. The machines are programmed in such a way that they think like humans and can imitate our actions. They can be designed to execute all types of tasks from complex to simple ones. The primary task machines can perform are learning, reasoning and perception.

Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection

We are excited to release Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection, the latest applied machine learning research report from Cloudera Fast Forward Labs. Anomalies, often referred to as outliers, are data points or patterns in data that do not conform to a notion of normal behavior. Anomaly detection, then, is the task of finding those patterns in data that do not adhere to expected norms. The capability to recognize or detect anomalous behavior can provide highly useful insights across industries.

Can AI-Driven Test Automation Enhance Test Automation?

Software Testing has changed a lot! Earlier, manual testing ruled the world of testing, however, test automation increasingly became a reality in most organizations developing software. Testing continued to evolve, and it took advantage of technology innovations. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one such technology that has made a substantial contribution to automation in general. But, can AI-driven test automation significantly enhance test automation?

The Future is Here: How AI is Solving UI Test Automation Problems Today

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't just a buzzword - businesses across all industries are leveraging the technology today to solve a wide range of problems. Even test automation tools are benefiting from AI, from AI-powered visual recognition and intelligent test recommendations, to risk profiling and bug hunting. At every step in the QA cycle, we see AI infusing itself to accelerate test creation, maintenance and execution.

AI in HR: Helping Human Resources Be More Human

We’ve already made the case for how important analytics is in the field of human resources, but let’s not stop there. Organizations can take it one step further with AI-powered insights. Not only will artificial intelligence help streamline operations and improve efficiency, but it also plays an integral role in optimizing the human aspect of employee management: quality conversations and interaction, mentoring, and promoting motivation in the workplace.

The Hole Story and Bias in AI

AI and its enabled tools continue to enthrall business with its promise of efficiency and innovation. But, one of the things AI is also clearly enabling is the bias. We’ve all read the news and heard the scaremongering stories around potential flaws and biases in Artificial Intelligence systems. I believe for this technology to reach its full potential, addressing bias will need to be a top priority.