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From Performance Tests to Sanity Tests with JMeter

In this blog post we are going to look at how we can use our performance tests to act as Sanity Test. We have touched upon the subject in one of our blog posts on the hidden benefits or performance testing. This post will however look to provide more detail on the subject and provide guidance on how you can accomplish this. We are not suggesting that you write a set of JMeter tests to act as sanity tests for our application under test as that would not be that beneficial.

Maintaining Mobile App Quality at Scale with Mobile App Testing

The success of your mobile app depends not just on how well the application is working at first, but also on its consistent delivery of excellent user experience. Customers today have an extensive range of alternatives in this rapidly evolving & competitive mobile market. Any problem with the application's performance and user experience can lead to users being discontent with the mobile app. This results in users abandoning the application.

Introducing Keploy | Your automated API Test Engineer: AI-Driven Edge Cases & No Hallucinations

Looking for an automated test solution that offers unparalleled accuracy? Meet Keploy, your AI-driven API test engineer. Here's a description for "Introducing Keploy | Your Automated API Test Engineer: AI-Driven Edge Cases & No Hallucinations ".

A Comprehensive Guide to Crowdsourced Beta Testing for Video Games

In the video game development industry, releasing a well-polished and critically acclaimed title is crucial to success. However, even experienced development teams may face unexpected challenges in identifying and resolving issues before the official release. This is why beta testing is so important; it helps developers catch and fix any remaining problems before the game is released to the public.

Why automated testing is the fastest and safest path to digital transformation

Companies are moving to the cloud faster than ever. Currently, organizations deploy an average of 130 SaaS apps per organization — and this number is growing. According to Gartner, 95% of new apps are expected to be built in the cloud by 2025.

Test Execution: How To Do It Properly

To execute locally, remote, or on-cloud? That is the question. But test execution is more than just “hitting Enter and seeing if it passed or not.” If you are doing it manually, test execution is about performing every single test step as outlined in the test case. For automation testing, test execution takes on another layer of complexity: In which environment should you run the test? Which test cases should you prioritize for execution?

Geolocation Testing: All You Need To Know

You open your Uber app and book a ride. Upon successful booking, a map pops up and shows you the whereabouts of your driver. While in the Uber, you open Zillow, a real estate app, to check out the apartment you want to rent that is located a few kilometers away from your location. The weather app, knowing your location, then sends you a notification to expect rain tomorrow. All of these are examples of the power of geolocation-based app features.