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Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Deployment

Thanks to Linus Torvalds, the creator of not only Linux, but also the most popular version control system - Git, multiple developers can simultaneously work on the development of the same application, ramping up the speed of production. Git was revolutionary - it enabled developers to keep track of code changes and collaborate seamlessly across different projects.

An expert's perspective on succeeding with mobile banking and finance in MEA

To dive deeper into some of the findings of our recent fintech mobile report, we reached out to banking and finance professionals in a series of conversations. We explored region-specific challenges and how different institutions keep up with the industry’s increasingly mobile-first direction.

10 Developer Horror Stories To Keep You Up at Night

We software engineers like to think ourselves unflappable. Consider that we spend most of our days staring at glowing pages of eldritch horror that no mortal was meant to witness. We whisper and type our otherworldly incantations, all the while feeling the hungry gaze of a lurking cross-site scripting bug, or a shadowy use-after-free, or an accidental summoning of ZALGO. (H̨e̛ ̕c͢om͢es, you know.)

Setting a Live Debugging Dashboard to Catch a Thief of Time

They say that procrastination is the thief of time. In the world of software development, there are some additional “time thieves” that prevent our teams from developing new features or slow them down as they attempt to fix issues. As software engineers or R&D managers, we take it for granted that our teams spend a lot of their time waiting for compiling, testing, and deploying.

Asynchronous Javascript: From Promises to Async/Await

Javascript is a funny language. It claims to be (and very much is) a single-threaded language (i.e., it executes statements in order, one at a time, one after another, in a synchronous fashion). Despite just having the one native thread to work with, it somehow allows you to write concurrent, asynchronous code that is non-blocking in nature.

Capabilities of Elixir's Logger

Logs are an important part of your application and logging shouldn’t be one of the last things you think of. You should configure your log system, formatter, and style as soon as you start the development of your app. Also, do your best to document the process and share how it works with the rest of your team. In this article, we’re going to demonstrate how logs work in Elixir. We’ll jump into Elixir’s Logger module, which brings a lot of power to logging features.

How Long Should You Hang Onto Your Data?

One of the most common questions that businesses operating under GDPR, LGPD or other similar data regulations have is how long should you keep data? As answers to this question typically seem to vary widely to clear up confusion, we’ve gathered insights from business leaders & specialists across a variety of industries to try and answer this question and shed light on what are reasonable timeframes to keep hold of data, whether that may be financial, employee or other potentially sensitive data.

3 Ways to Send Emails with Ruby

For many developers, Ruby on Rails framework not only allows them to build web applications, websites, and efficient database solutions, but it can help them optimize mailing operations. You can easily use Ruby on Rails mailer, an automatic tool to build transactional messages of any kind, and make proper authentication. In this article, we review three main ways to work with email sending in RoR, which include some Ruby gems, the Net::SMTP class, and the facilities of the Socket system.

Announcing N|Solid Version 4.1.0 - NCM in N|Solid Console and NCM Strict Mode

We are excited to announce NSolid 4.1.0, which introduces NodeSource Certified Modules NCM in NSolid console and NCM Strict Mode. NodeSource Certified Modules provides you and your teams with actionable insights into the risk levels that are present in your use of third-party packages. Using a series of tests, we score packages on npm to look for a number of weighted criteria. With the NCM you can scan your projects, for existing security vulnerabilities, license concerns, code risk and code quality.