Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Event-Driven Architectures with Django

Imagine you're building an e-commerce application. You want to use Django and bring all the benefits of that framework. But there are issues. Django's service-oriented architecture doesn’t play well with the event-driven nature of what you need to build. You need to automatically send a welcome email when a new user registers, instantly update inventory levels when an item is purchased, and notify users when their orders are shipped.

What is Data Architecture? A Look at Importance, Types, & Components

Data architecture is a structured framework for data assets and outlines how data flows through its IT systems. It provides a foundation for managing data, detailing how it is collected, integrated, transformed, stored, and distributed across various platforms. It also establishes standards and guidelines for data handling, creating a reliable and scalable environment that supports data-driven activities.

Lessons We Learned Implementing a Design System at Kong

In this article, we'll talk about our experience implementing a design system at Kong. We'll go over the reasons why we decided we needed one in the first place, where we started, and how we got to where we are today. We'll also cover the technology we used and how it has transformed software development at Kong. Whether you have plenty of experience with design systems or are looking to get started with one, we hope you will find this article helpful and informative.

The Rise of Digital Printing Companies: Transforming the Printing Industry

Digital printing companies are revolutionizing the printing industry by offering high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective printing solutions. This article explores the concept of digital printing, the benefits of working with digital printing company, the technology involved, and the diverse applications across various sectors.

Mastering Good API Design Principles: The What, Why, and How

API design principles are models for building strong connections in a digital world where APIs bridge gaps between systems. This article strips down the complexity of API design to present you with the tried-and-true principles that ensure functionality, reliability, and ease of use. Learn to lay the foundations of a great API without the guesswork so you can focus on what truly matters: crafting an exceptional tool that seamlessly integrates and scales with technological demands.

Sketch - The Premier Platform for Digital Creativity

In the realm of digital design, Sketch has emerged as a game-changer. With its powerful vector editor, built-in prototyping, and collaborative features, Sketch has become the go-to tool for over a million designers worldwide. This article provides an in-depth review of Sketch, tailored for web designers, developers, digital marketers, website owners, and e-commerce managers.

Designing for Impact: 8 Innovative Tools for Web Designers

For web designers and developers alike, having a robust toolset can be the difference between an acceptable and a great project. Your website is your first chance to make an impression, so it has never been more vital to embrace new technology and resources to stay ahead of your competitors. We’re looking at 8 different tools and resources that should have a place in any web developer or IT support team’s arsenal.

Complete Guide to Database Schema Design

Experts predict that the global enterprise data management market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 12.1% until 2030. Your organization’s database management system (DBMS) stores all the enterprise data you need for software applications, systems, and IT environments, helping you make smarter data-driven business decisions. Here are the key things to know about database schema design.