
Campbell, CA, USA
  |  By Terence Bennett
Legacy databases often come with numerous challenges, such as limited scalability, outdated security measures, and compatibility issues with modern applications. These constraints can hinder business agility and increase maintenance costs. Modernizing your database infrastructure is crucial for leveraging advanced features, enhancing security, and ensuring seamless integration with contemporary software.
  |  By Terence Bennett
REST APIs are a powerful tool to bring together multiple applications. While REST APIs are extremely useful, creating and deploying them into production is a highly complex and time-consuming process. If you’re building your own REST API, you should be familiar with some of the industry best practices for naming REST API endpoints. For many developers, using a development platform is a good way to get started. It streamlines the development process and ensures you're able to get started immediately.
  |  By Terence Bennett
Digitalization is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives, and understanding the concepts of open source and open standards is crucial. But these aren't just geeky tech concepts, they represent a whole philosophy of collaboration and sharing that's fueling innovation. And open standards? Think of them as the great enablers of interconnectivity. These guidelines ensure different technologies can talk to each other and share data seamlessly across platforms.
  |  By Terence Bennett
APIs are bits of software that act as interpreters for two different programs. They’ll connect to each service via endpoints and relay messages back and forth, doing the work of software integration for you. But how does this actually look in the real world? Read on for some examples of APIs. Here's the key things to know about some of the examples of APIs in everyday life.
  |  By Terence Bennett
REST APIs are the basis of all interactions between different applications. Many companies and organizations today offer APIs to interact with their applications. REST APIs allow third-party application developers to perform operations such as transmitting or accessing data from one application to another. This is called a public API. This means that this API is intended for interaction with third-party apps.
  |  By Jason Gilmore
Organizations deploying Siemens SIMATIC PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) will logically want to track and manage PLC metrics. Exactly how these metrics are managed will depend upon the specific needs of the organization. For instance, organizations that would like to send PLC data directly to a Microsoft SQL Server database can use the TDS (Tabular Data Stream) protocol. But what if you wanted to subsequently access this data via a REST API?
  |  By Spencer Nguyen
Integrating and calling other APIs is an important step in the development process. APIs allow different systems to communicate and share data, enabling developers to build more dynamic and feature-rich applications. Whether it's accessing third-party services, aggregating data from multiple sources, or automating workflows, the ability to effectively integrate and call other APIs is a key component of a successful software strategy.
  |  By Jeremy H
Today, we're looking at MySQL vs MS SQL Server. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) form the backbone of enterprise IT. The main difference between MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server is that MySQL is an open-source RDBMS known for its cross-platform compatibility and cost-effectiveness, while Microsoft SQL Server is a commercial RDBMS primarily designed for the Windows platform, offering advanced features and tight integration with Microsoft technologies.
  |  By Terence Bennett
Your API documentation is just as important as your API. It defines how easy it is for users to learn, understand, and use your open-source or paid-for product. In this post, DreamFactory highlights eight of the best API documentation examples from well-known tools. You can use these examples for inspiration when creating your API docs. Here are the key takeaways to know about each of these API documentation examples.
  |  By Kevin McGahey
Do you have a ton of data sources and do not know how to expose them? Do you know you need a REST API to expose your Snowflake data but don’t know where to begin to build it? Look no further, DreamFactory can take any database and build a fully documented and secure REST API faster than making a sandwich. All you need is your Snowflake credentials and DreamFactory will handle the rest, instantly generating OpenAPI documentation and securing your API by way of API keys. Follow along with the blog!
  |  By DreamFactory
DreamFactory excels at creating fully documented, secure REST APIs for any data source. In this video, we walk through just how simple it is to create a SQL Server API.
  |  By DreamFactory
This video walks through the significant changes and improvements introduced in our platform's latest DreamFactory UI update. The update is designed to enhance user experience, improve usability, and provide a fresh and modern look and feel.
  |  By DreamFactory
Check out this replay from API World 2023 featuring Terence Bennett, CEO of DreamFactory, diving into the disruptive world of API generation. In this session, Terence will guide you through the ins and outs of efficient API generation.
  |  By DreamFactory
This video will show you how simple it is to set up a Microsoft SQL server using DreamFactory. Who we are: DreamFactory is an API generation solution for more than 20 databases and many other data sources. With DreamFactory you can connect to any data source and instantly access a full-featured, secure, and documented REST API for your projects. DreamFactory replaces months of API development and server-side integration work. Start your projects with reliable REST APIs from day one.
  |  By DreamFactory
It shouldn't be difficult to create a REST API for your data sources. DreamFactory allows you to save months of manual coding and lets you connect your data sources quickly!
  |  By DreamFactory
DreamFactory lets you create fully documented and secure REST APIs for any data source in a matter of minutes.
  |  By DreamFactory
DreamFactory is a leading on-prem API generation and management platform built for data teams and backend developers to securely connect self-hosted and legacy systems and make them universally accessible. With DreamFactory, developers can connect nearly any database or data source with secure, compliant REST APIs in minutes instead of days.
  |  By DreamFactory
This video will demonstrate how to quickly install DreamFactory on Ubuntu using the DreamFactory automated installer.
  |  By DreamFactory
This video will show you how simple it is to set up a Microsoft SQL server using DreamFactory. Who we are: DreamFactory is an API generation solution for more than 20 databases and many other data sources. With DreamFactory you can connect to any data source and instantly access a full-featured, secure, and documented REST API for your projects. DreamFactory replaces months of API development and server-side integration work. Start your projects with reliable REST APIs from day one.
  |  By DreamFactory
Using the DreamFactory API management platform it's easy to expose your database stored procedures via API endpoints. This short video demonstrates how to use DreamFactory's auto-generated API endpoints to list available stored procedures, learn more about a specific stored procedure, and call a stored procedure with several input parameters.
  |  By DreamFactory
Containers and microservices are redefining the software development lifecycle. Developers are empowered to choose best of the breed languages, frameworks, and runtimes to develop software. DevOps teams are dealing with new packaging and deployment mechanisms. Container orchestration tools such as Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Apache Mesos are changing the way applications are deployed and managed.
  |  By DreamFactory
The exploding complexity of backend interfaces is a real problem for companies building mobile and web applications or just using REST API services.
  |  By DreamFactory
Large enterprise and government organizations often inquire about how the DreamFactory REST API platform helps secure data access. Especially now that a growing number of web and mobile apps need to access sensitive data, and proper controls are imperative in the services used to access that data from an expanding number of apps.
  |  By DreamFactory
DreamFactory is a configurable LAMP stack running PHP. As far as the server is concerned, DreamFactory looks like a website written in WordPress or Drupal. Instead of delivering HTML pages, DreamFactory provides JSON documents, but otherwise, the scaling requirements are similar.
  |  By DreamFactory
Serverless Computing is considered to be the fourth wave of computing where x86 servers, virtual machines, and containers represented the first three generations. With this new paradigm, developers can squarely focus on the code and without the need to deal with the underlying infrastructure. They never have to plan the number of servers, amount of storage, and the network topology of deployments. Since the platform deals with one function at a time, and functions are the fundamental deployment units, this model is often called Functions as a Service (FaaS).

Never Build an API Again. An enterprise-grade API as a service platform available in the cloud or on-premise. Generate database APIs instantly to build applications faster.

Integrate any SQL or NoSQL database, file storage system, or external HTTP or SOAP service and DreamFactory instantly generates a flexible, comprehensive, and fully documented REST API endpoint that’s ready to use. Focus on building your applications, not hand-coding APIs for every new development project.


  • Instant APIs without code. Eliminate the biggest bottleneck in modern IT. Launch your project in weeks rather than months. DreamFactory instantly creates a secure, standardized, reusable, fully documented, and live REST API.
  • Manage your data portfolio. Connect Salesforce to SQL Server, or your ERP to AWS S3. Transform and mask data along the way. Create reports, analytics, and alerts. Empower teams to retrieve and distribute data on demand.
  • Secure your data with layered controls. Secure every API endpoint with Role-Based Access Controls, SSO Authentication, JWT, CORS, OAuth, and Active Directory. Deploy behind firewalls and in air-gapped environments.
  • Modernize legacy applications. Integrate legacy technology into cutting-edge applications, extending technology lifecycles and derisking legacy system replacements.

REST API Automation and API Management made simple.