Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

June 2024

The Manual Testing Guide: What It Is, Use Cases, and How-To's

In software development, manual testing is key to ensuring quality and user satisfaction. This guide covers the basics of manual testing, its types, and how to perform it effectively. Studies show that 41% of software bugs are found through manual testing. In this article, we’ll explore different types of manual testing, such as exploratory, usability, and regression testing. We’ll also compare manual testing with automated testing.

What are Regression Defects?

Regression defects are unexpected errors that arise in previously functional software following updates or modifications to the codebase. A significant 85% of development managers agree that reducing technical debt, including regression defects, without compromising innovation has become increasingly difficult. If you’re like most software developers or testers, you’re always looking to improve the quality of your code. One way to do this is by understanding and preventing regression defects.

Quality Engineering for CEOs: How Much Should You Spend? (Part II)

Is there a formula or approach to estimate how much you should spend on your quality engineering (QE) efforts? Our CEO, Steve Semelsberger, is frequently asked that question in discussions with other leaders. In part II of his quality engineering for CEOs series, Steve guides us through various scenarios and offers a unique approach to calculating your QE spend based on your specific business needs. Read the article now! If you missed part I, you can catch up on it here.

13 Reasons Why Manual Testing Is Still Important

New apps and products enter the market daily, each undergoing rigorous testing before release. As automated processes advance across various industries, software development is no exception. Many quality assurance (QA) teams heavily invest in automation to handle most of their tests. This ensures repeatable tests are efficiently executed while quality assurance professionals focus on other tasks. With all these advancements, one might wonder: Is manual testing still important? The answer is yes!

Supply Chain Best Practices for Pharmaceutical Operations

Due to market pressures and disruptions, life sciences organizations need to reexamine their supply chain operations and how to more safely and efficiently bring products to market. However, deciding where to begin implementing change can be daunting. Here are some best practices for achieving streamlined end-to-end supply chain orchestration.

Enterprise Operational Intelligence Tips for IT Leaders

IT organizations serve the business. Their mission is to help optimize business operations to enhance performance across the enterprise and enable the organization to meet mission-critical goals. With the rapid pace of change, it’s critical to make smarter, faster decisions around business processes to generate a tangible, measurable impact.

Share Reports with a Public URL | Databox 101 | Chapter 3.5

While dashboards let you see real-time performance to answer “How am I doing right now?”, Reports take it a step further. With Reports, you can provide a more comprehensive view of your historical performance - with all the context - to your teams, clients, or stakeholders. In this video, you’ll learn: Bookmark this tab AND share the series with your entire company/team! Databox empowers everyone - leaders, managers, and individual contributors alike.

How to develop an app like Shein: Features & Cost

As the e-commerce industry continues to expand rapidly, projected to surge from 4,248 billion dollars to 12 trillion dollars by 2027, it's evident that the sector is continually growing. Retailers are also actively seeking avenues to tap into this flourishing sector, often emulating the success of leading e-commerce platforms through app cloning.