Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

June 2024

On Demand Tabular Reports - SaaS in 60

Last year we released Tabular Reporting, a new Excel and Office 365 add-in that addresses operational report and distribution requirements by creating formatted reports using existing Qlik Cloud Analytics apps and data. Now you can make those same reports available to download, on demand, directly to users while they analyze data within a Qlik Cloud Analytics app, complete with their preferred data selections.

It Not Just About Code

It was never just about code. Pamela Oliveira is a firm believer that societal norms can be transformed by the power of open source technology. Experts need to see this and take ownership despite a rapidly changing industry. In this episode of Test Case Scenario, Jason and Pamela dissect the opportunities and difficulties that technical minds have in attempting to solve social issues with open source.

Combining Multiple Data Sources into One API with DreamFactory

Integrating and calling other APIs is important in the development process. APIs allow different systems to communicate and share data, enabling developers to build more dynamic and feature-rich applications. Whether it's accessing third-party services, aggregating data from multiple sources, or automating workflows, the ability to effectively integrate and call other APIs is a key component of a successful software strategy.

S1.E8: AI & Machine Learning in Testing | QA Therapy Podcast

Feeling like your team is pinning all their hopes on AI and ML to solve every challenge? In this episode of QA Therapy, we're thrilled to have Tariq King, QA Therapist, join us to explore how AI and ML will shape the future of testing. Tariq, currently serving as the Vice President of Product-Service Systems at EPAM, with over 40 research articles under his belt.

Microservice Pitfalls: Solving the Dual-Write Problem | Designing Event-Driven Microservices

When building a distributed system, developers are often faced with something known as the dual-write problem. It occurs whenever the system needs to perform individual writes to separate systems that can't be transactionally linked. This situation creates the potential for data loss if the developer isn't careful. However, techniques such as the Transactional Outbox Pattern and Event Sourcing can be used to guard against the potential for data loss while also providing added resilience to the system.

EP9: Platforms - Insights from the Experts

Sanjiva and Asanka welcome Gregor Hohpe and Frank Leymann to explore the modern landscape of platforms. This episode explores the strategic value of platforms, their role in creating platforms, and key architectural principles. Learn about the importance of APIs, cloud native middleware, and developer experience (DX), along with operational considerations like governance and CI/CD. They’ll explore real-world examples, the debate on building vs. buying platforms, and future trends shaped by AI and machine learning.

SQL Server API: What It Is and How to Create One

SQL Server is a modern relational database management system. It helps data teams store and manage vast amounts of data. However, organizations need efficient methods to access and manipulate this data to leverage it fully. This is where SQL Server APIs come into play. APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, act as intermediaries enabling different software applications to communicate.

What is API Documentation and Why is it Important?

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) integrate diverse software systems and enable seamless communication. 98% of enterprise leaders agree that APIs are essential to an organization’s digital transformation. But just having APIs isn’t enough; it’s equally important to provide clear instructions on how to use them. Think of API documentation as the user manual that comes with a product—except, in this case, the product is code.

Meet Kong Konnect, Your API Command Center

Build new products faster, improve security, and reduce costs with Kong Konnect. Kong Konnect is one platform to manage them all in one unified control plane: API gateways, AI gateways, ingress, and service meshes. So you can move fast without losing control. That means scaling up to meet demand — and exceeding customer expectations with superior digital experiences. Deployed as a hybrid or a fully managed service, Kong Konnect automates security, federates governance, and lets you adopt AI faster with multi-LLM support.

What to look for when selecting a Test Management tool?

Gone are the days when selecting software was as easy as comparing two different providers and choosing either of them based on how the box looked (yes, software used to come in boxes). Today, selecting the right tool requires careful evaluation of several requirements, including your budget, how your team is built, your tech stack, and projections for future growth (scalability).

Qlik Connect: A Decade in for me, the Best One Yet

This year’s Qlik Connect was officially my 10th Qlik annual user conference… From Qonnections to Qlik World to Qlik Connect, you could assume I have seen it all already, but I can honestly say that this one was the best (and most fun!) yet. But don’t take my word for it. The buzz from our wonderful community of Qlik partners and customers speaks for itself.