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Grokking DynamoDB with TypeScript

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by AWS. It is highly available, scalable, and a great fit for applications that need to handle large amounts of data with low latency. DynamoDB is a key-value document database, meaning that it is schema-less and can store any kind of data. It is also a serverless service, so you don’t have to worry about managing and scaling servers. In this take, we will model data in DynamoDB using TypeScript.

How to Migrate from Legacy Databases to MS SQL Server

Legacy databases often come with numerous challenges, such as limited scalability, outdated security measures, and compatibility issues with modern applications. These constraints can hinder business agility and increase maintenance costs. Modernizing your database infrastructure is crucial for leveraging advanced features, enhancing security, and ensuring seamless integration with contemporary software.

Building and Scaling Gen AI Applications with Simplicity, Performance and Risk Mitigation in Mind Using Iguazio and MongoDB

AI and generative Al can lead to major enterprise advancements and productivity gains. By offering new capabilities, they open up opportunities for enhancing customer engagement, content creation, virtual experts, process automation and optimization, and more.

Demo Of The Snowflake Connector For MySQL And PostgreSQL

The Snowflake Connector for MySQL and PostgreSQL provides instant access to your data within Snowflake, making it easy to correlate your data with data from other sources, ultimately driving new insights into business operations. The Connector also leverages Snowflake’s built-in security and reliability capabilities and provides IT departments with significant cost and speed advantages. During this demo, you will see how you can set-up, configure, and utilize the Connector with a few clicks via Snowflake Marketplace.

MySQL vs MS SQL Server: Key Similarities and Differences | Dreamfactory

Today, we're looking at MySQL vs MS SQL Server. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) form the backbone of enterprise IT. The main difference between MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server is that MySQL is an open-source RDBMS known for its cross-platform compatibility and cost-effectiveness, while Microsoft SQL Server is a commercial RDBMS primarily designed for the Windows platform, offering advanced features and tight integration with Microsoft technologies.

What are Database APIs? Why and How are they Used?

Modern applications store a lot of data, yet databases continue to be the primary source of data that these applications need to function. This is where database APIs come in, making it easier for applications and services to retrieve and manipulate data. A database API’s biggest advantage is that it eliminates database operations’ dependence on proprietary methods and provides a unified interface, streamlining data operations. Here’s everything you need to know about database APIs.

MySQL API: What It Is and How to Create One in Minutes

Modern software development requires applications to interact with databases to retrieve and modify data. According to Statista, MySQL ranks among the most popular open-source Database Management System (DBMS). With such widespread usage, there’s a need to ensure smoother and faster interactions between applications and MySQL databases. Enter MySQL APIs. MySQL APIs eliminate the effort involved in coding or using other database management tools.

SQL Server API: What It Is and How to Create One

SQL Server is a modern relational database management system. It helps data teams store and manage vast amounts of data. However, organizations need efficient methods to access and manipulate this data to leverage it fully. This is where SQL Server APIs come into play. APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, act as intermediaries enabling different software applications to communicate.