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Service Mesh

What is Istio Service Mesh?

As a developer working with microservices architectures, you may find yourself facing numerous challenges. Managing multiple services, each with its own potential points of failure, can be complex. Issues such as communication difficulties, security concerns, and lack of visibility are common in these environments. These challenges are not unique. As microservices architectures expand, they often introduce complexities that can be demanding for development teams to handle.

Bringing Kubernetes-native Sidecars to Kong Mesh

If you're keeping an eye on the service mesh ecosystem, you may have heard a lot of debate about sidecars. Up until recently, there have been some real pain points with sidecars in Kubernetes. As surprising as it sounds, there was actually no real concept of a sidecar at all. With Kubernetes v1.29, a number of those points have been solved with the release of the native sidecars feature. Kong Mesh's most recent release v2.7 adds support for this game-changing feature.

Achieving Zero Trust on VMs with Universal Mesh

Two of the main tenets of Zero Trust are encryption between services and managing the connections each service is allowed to use. Achieving this generally falls to running a service mesh in a Kubernetes cluster. Refactoring applications to run properly in Kubernetes takes time and considerable investment. For many organizations, running their applications on virtual machines will be a necessity for years to come. However, this doesn't mean security should fall behind.

Chat with Devs | Episode - 4 | Isitio Ambient Mesh

Istio Ambient Mesh is a massive overhaul of Istio's data plane architecture. The goal is to simplify operations and make it more cost effective to run a service mesh like Istio in production. In this video we will look at: 1] What are the challenges of a traditional service mesh sidecar approach? 2] Take a look at how Istio Ambient Mesh Solves that problem.

Enterprise-Grade Service Mesh: A Reference Architecture with OpenShift, Istio, and Kong

This video explores how to integrate Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, Istio Service Mesh, and Kong Ingress Controller. It shows a reference architecture with Keycloak as the identity provider running on an OpenShift cluster with Istio service mesh, sample applications, and Kong Ingress Controller. Three sample applications are showcased.

Enterprise-Grade Service Mesh: A Reference Architecture with OpenShift, Istio, and Kong

The service mesh architecture pattern has become a de facto standard for microservices-based projects. In fact, from the mesh standpoint, not just microservices but all components of an application should be under its control, including databases, event processing services, etc.

GitTogether | Let's get Meshy with Istio Service Mesh | Leon Nunes

In the world of microservices, networking and Observabilty is always a challenge, often there are different methodologies used. A service mesh is something that standardizes this. Istio service mesh is a mature framework that runs in K8s and provides a standard interface for this In this session we will do a istio 101 and go over how a service mesh helps with microservices and hybrid architectures.

Kong Mesh 2.7: Leveling Up Usability and Security

Kong Mesh 2.7 is here! And with it come a slew of new features to make our simple and powerful enterprise service mesh even easier to use and more powerful for your particular needs. In this blog post, we'll cover the new features and show how Kong Mesh 2.7 can deliver a superior service mesh experience for your organization.