
San Francisco, CA, USA
  |  By Kong
A service mesh is a mechanism for managing communications between the various individual services that make up modern applications in a microservice-based system. When a service mesh is applied, all inter-service communication is routed through proxies, which can be used to implement networking features such as encryption and load balancing.
  |  By Kong
API rate limiting involves using a mechanism to control the number of requests an API can handle in a certain time period. It's a key process for ensuring that APIs perform to a high level, provide a quality user experience, and protect the system from overload.
  |  By Kong
As a developer working with microservices architectures, you may find yourself facing numerous challenges. Managing multiple services, each with its own potential points of failure, can be complex. Issues such as communication difficulties, security concerns, and lack of visibility are common in these environments. These challenges are not unique. As microservices architectures expand, they often introduce complexities that can be demanding for development teams to handle.
  |  By Guanlan Dai
The router component in the Kong Gateway is a crucial element for traffic handling, allowing the definition of specific matching rules to identify and process client requests. As a core component of the gateway, the router plays a vital role in ensuring the functionality, flexibility, security as well as performance of the gateway.
  |  By Ella Kuzmenko
Efficiently managing your developer portal is critical in productizing your APIs quickly and reliably. A streamlined developer portal ensures that your APIs are easily accessible, well-documented, and secure — driving higher adoption and easier integration. With the increasing demand for APIs across business units, brands, partners, and more, a single developer portal often falls short for both the API owner and the consumers by introducing complexity and slowing productization efforts.
  |  By Veena Rajarathna
In a previous blog post, we discussed the prevalence of bearer tokens (or access tokens) to restrict access to protected resources, the challenges the sheer nature of bearer tokens present, and available mitigations. To recap, presenting a bearer token is proof enough of an authorization grant to avail the service and access resources protected by the token. This poses many security risks such as using stolen or leaked tokens to gain unauthorized access.
  |  By Maksym Portianoi
In this article, we'll talk about our experience implementing a design system at Kong. We'll go over the reasons why we decided we needed one in the first place, where we started, and how we got to where we are today. We'll also cover the technology we used and how it has transformed software development at Kong. Whether you have plenty of experience with design systems or are looking to get started with one, we hope you will find this article helpful and informative.
  |  By Marco Palladino
Today, we're pleased to announce another packed release for Kong Insomnia with many new features and improvements.
  |  By Peter Barnard
Developer operational efficiency is crucial for streamlining API management processes and empowering development teams to work more effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore three key tips to unlock developer operational efficiency — leveraging API documentation and self-service credential management, automating API lifecycle management, and optimizing resources and performance — using Kong Konnect and Kong Kubernetes Ingress Controller (KIC).
  |  By Veena Rajarathna
OAuth 2.0 is the current gold standard for secure delegated authorization. The reason is simple: OAuth puts control back in the hands of the users. It enables users to securely grant access to their resources without having to share passwords with third-party applications. Hence, it's one of the most widely adopted standards in the industry.
  |  By Kong
- The wide adoption of cloud-native and microservice-based applications to connect applications, data, and devices across the enterprise has led to an exponential growth in APIs. But as the API ecosystem grows, so does the risk of exposing sensitive data. APIs get directly to critical and sensitive data, making them a valuable target for hackers. How can you ensure your APIs are protected from malicious attacks and unauthorized access?
  |  By Kong
Kong Konnect Demo: Revolutionize Your API Management with a Unified Cloud-Native Platform In this video, Vice President Product Management, Ross Kukulinski showcases how Kong Konnect addresses the challenges of API security, multi-cloud deployments, and AI workload governance. Kong Konnect is one platform to manage them all in one unified control plane: API gateways, AI gateways, ingress, and service meshes.
  |  By Kong
How to Quickly Deploy Kong Gateways in Konnect Docker, Serverless, and Kubernetes In this video, Senior Director, Developer Relations, Michael Heap, walks through three efficient ways to deploy Kong Gateway with Konnect. Learn how to get started with Kong Gateway using Docker on your local machine, how to make your gateway publicly accessible using a Serverless Gateway, and how to set up a production deployment on Kubernetes (Amazon EKS).
  |  By Kong
As Kong Ingress Controller is used widely in the field, ensuring its reliable and resilient error handling is crucial to us. Kong Ingress Controller 3.2 introduces a Fallback Configuration feature, designed to make sure a single mistake made in your manifests doesn't halt the whole configuration update pipeline. In this User Call, we'll cover: The Need for the Feature: Understand the critical scenarios that highlighted the necessity for improved error-handling mechanisms.
  |  By Kong
Build new products faster, improve security, and reduce costs with Kong Konnect. Kong Konnect is one platform to manage them all in one unified control plane: API gateways, AI gateways, ingress, and service meshes. So you can move fast without losing control. That means scaling up to meet demand — and exceeding customer expectations with superior digital experiences. Deployed as a hybrid or a fully managed service, Kong Konnect automates security, federates governance, and lets you adopt AI faster with multi-LLM support.
  |  By Kong
If you're keeping an eye on the service mesh ecosystem, you may have heard a lot of debate about sidecars. Up until recently, there have been some real pain points with sidecars in Kubernetes. As surprising as it sounds, there was actually no real concept of a sidecar at all. With Kubernetes v1.29, a number of those points have been solved with the release of the native sidecars feature. Kong Mesh's most recent release v2.7 adds support for this game-changing feature.
  |  By Kong
Timestamps: This demo showcases the latest features and enhancements in Kong's AI Gateway, as of the June 2024 release.
  |  By Kong
Timestamps: In this fireside chat, Marco Palladino, CTO & co-founder at Kong, takes questions from the audience.
  |  By Kong
Generative AI is transforming the world around us, and is quickly becoming a part of the conversation as we greenfield new features and applications. It is very alluring to deliver AI features into our existing products, and think about new projects we might build around AI. However, you might have already found that the journey into the realm of AI often feels like tumbling down the rabbit hole into wonderland - a maze of complexity and uncertainty.
  |  By Kong
In this session, Marco Palladino, CTO and co-founder of Kong, discusses the importance of AI gateways in supporting the growing demand for AI and API usage. He explains how Kong's AI Gateway simplifies the creation of AI applications by providing a unified infrastructure layer that abstracts common requirements, such as authentication, authorization, traffic control, and observability.
  |  By Kong
In this eBook, Kong Co-Founder and CTO Marco Palladino illustrates the differences between API gateways and service mesh - and when to use one or the other in a pragmatic and objective way.
  |  By Kong
In this eBook, Kong Co-Founder and CTO Marco Palladino breaks down how Kuma now supports every cloud vendor, every architecture and every platform together in a multi-mesh control plane. When deployed in a multi-zone deployment, Kuma abstracts away both the synchronization of the service mesh policies across multiple zones and the service connectivity (and service discovery) across those zones.
  |  By Kong
We live in an exciting time for software; we are witnessing a monumental shift in how applications are built. We have the opportunity to participate in the large-scale movement from centralized applications to decentralized, highly performant software architectures.
  |  By Kong
To better prepare for the future, it's important to get a solid understanding of this rising technology trend. In this e-book, we examine cloud native architecture, look back at the rise of cloud native app development, and explore the future of cloud native on the entire software ecosystem.
  |  By Kong
This eBook explains how microservices can facilitate the adoption of a multi-cloud strategy. Included are a holistic overview of the multi-cloud pattern including the benefits and drawbacks, strategies for adoption, and challenges to overcome if adopting the strategy without microservices.
  |  By Kong
Performance is a critical factor when choosing an API management solution. For businesses, the need to deliver low latency and high throughput is critical to ensuring that API transaction rates keep up with the speed of business. This white paper compares the performance of Kong and Apigee to understand performance in production environments.
  |  By Kong
This ebook explains the process for transitioning from a monolithic to a microservices-based architecture. Included are technical aspects and common mistakes to avoid.
  |  By Kong
This ebook explains how Kubernetes is modernizing the microservices architecture. Included are a deep dive into the history of Kubernetes and containers, the technical and organizational benefits of using Kubernetes for container orchestration, as well as considerations for adopting it.
  |  By Kong
This eBook compares a monolithic vs microservices architectural approach to application development. It dives into the benefits and challenges of microservices and helps you determine whether a transition to microservices would be right for your organization.
  |  By Kong
This ebook explains the role that the service mesh pattern plays in the leap towards de-centralized architectures. A novel re-packaging of the functionalities of traditional API gateways, service mesh represents the next stage in the natural evolution of microservices.

Next-Generation API Platform for Modern Architectures. Connect all your microservices and APIs with the industry's most performant, scalable and flexible API platform. Empower your developers to build and optimize APIs. Leverage the latest microservice and container design patterns.

The Service Control Platform transcends API management to intelligently broker information across all your services. With Kong’s fast, flexible, and lightweight core, you control your entire service architecture – centralized or decentralized, microservices or monolith. Kong Service Control Platform transforms your static endpoints into a dynamic network of intelligent services.

Built for Modern Architectures:

  • Connect Everything: Use plugins to extend and connect services across hybrid and multi-cloud environments, regardless of vendor.
  • Accelerate Innovation: Use Kong's robust library of plugins to reduce redundant coding tasks across teams, technologies and geographies.
  • Improve Governance: Analyze real-time data to ensure adherence to policies across teams, partners and individual endpoints.
  • Automate End-to-end: Connect Kong with automation tools. Generate custom workflows to improve efficiency and reduce errors.
  • Unlock New Ecosystems: Instantly leverage new ecosystems. Deploy Kong with Kubernetes, containers, and more out of the box.
  • Increase Compliance: Limit access with role-based access control (RBAC). Encrypt end-to-end to comply with industry regulations.

Go Beyond the Gateway. Ready for the next-generation of API platforms?