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Taking care of your data with Exploratory Testing

Every application, web or non-web-based, has to deal with data. Even though there are static websites, where data is somehow embedded, most sites and applications rely on dynamic data stored somewhere and somehow. What testing can you do around data handling? Can you use exploratory testing to uncover problems related to data? What type of problems? In this article, you’ll get some guidelines for your exploratory testing sessions around data.

How to organize a bug bash

Bug bashes are time-boxed events where participants (developers, testers, product managers, and customers) come together to identify and report as many bugs as possible, providing a fresh perspective on the software. They encourage cross-functional interaction, accelerate the bug discovery process, uncover critical issues, improve the overall quality of the software, and enhance product reliability before release. To organize one, you need to consider.

3 mindset shifts to succeed in Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is highly effective in uncovering hidden issues, but many teams need help when used to manual testing. Teams, products, and users constantly evolve, meaning risks impacting quality are not static or entirely predictable. This dynamic environment requires a flexible approach to identify and address potential issues. This blog post explains how to enhance your overall testing strategy by blending exploratory testing with your team's manual testing routines.

Xray's achievements in Customer Service highlighted at the 2024 Globee Awards

Xray, leader in software testing solutions, is pleased to announce its recent accolades in the 2024 Globee Awards. The company has been honored with a Silver Globee Award for Excellence in Customer Service and a Bronze Globee Award for Excellence in Team Customer Service. These awards highlight Xray's continued commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and support, reinforcing its leadership in the industry.

Manual Testing vs Automation Testing: get the best of both worlds

A balanced combination of manual and automated testing is the way to go if you want to achieve higher test coverage and efficiency. They cover for each other. Manual testing is easy to learn and do, but it is highly likely to create inconsistent test results, and sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort. On the other hand, automation testing requires a lot of technical expertise to create and maintain scripts, but it checks bugs much faster with higher consistency.

Human-Centric Exploratory Testing

Unlike traditional testing methodologies - that rely heavily on pre-scripted tests and automated tools - Human-Centric Exploratory Testing (HCET) is a dynamic and flexible approach that leverages creativity and critical thinking, allowing interaction with the software in ways that automation simply cannot replicate. Below, we explore Human-Centric Exploratory Testing, its benefits, challenges, how to mitigate them, and the best practices for successfully implementing it.

What to look for when selecting a Test Management tool?

Gone are the days when selecting software was as easy as comparing two different providers and choosing either of them based on how the box looked (yes, software used to come in boxes). Today, selecting the right tool requires careful evaluation of several requirements, including your budget, how your team is built, your tech stack, and projections for future growth (scalability).

S1.E8: AI & Machine Learning in Testing | QA Therapy Podcast

Feeling like your team is pinning all their hopes on AI and ML to solve every challenge? In this episode of QA Therapy, we're thrilled to have Tariq King, QA Therapist, join us to explore how AI and ML will shape the future of testing. Tariq, currently serving as the Vice President of Product-Service Systems at EPAM, with over 40 research articles under his belt.

S1.E7: What is quality engineering? | QA Therapy Podcast

Today, we're joined by our expert QA Therapist, Antoine Craske, who's here to diagnose and prescribe solutions for symptoms related to Quality Engineering. Hailing from France and working as a Software Engineer at La Redoute, Antoine brings a wealth of experience to the table. He emphasizes that quality isn't the responsibility of just one person or team; it's a collective company goal. To achieve this, leveraging tools is essential.