Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2023

How to Tune Kafka Connect Source Connectors to Optimize Throughput

Kafka Connect is an open source data integration tool that simplifies the process of streaming data between Apache Kafka® and other systems. Kafka Connect has two types of connectors: source connectors and sink connectors. Source connectors allow you to read data from various sources and write it to Kafka topics. Sink connectors send data from the topics to another endpoint.

How to Automate Your Test Management in Jira

With demands on software development teams to work faster than ever before, efficiency is King. Many teams are implementing test automation to boost productivity, as manual testing can be time-consuming and error prone. Test automation revolutionizes the testing process. It enables you to automatically publish test results from various automation frameworks directly into your test management environment.

5 tips for stellar user payment testing strategies

With millions of users and a 2023 evaluation of over $9 trillion, it’s time to dive into user payment testing with intent, strategy, and ferocity. These five best practices help identify and rectify common issues before causing severe problems in merchant systems. Errors in payment gateway functionality have enormous potential to derail the relationship between consumer and vendor. Customers expect seamless, functional transactions without confusing messages or complicated steps.

How To Create A Sandbox Environment?

Ever had your live app crash after a new update, forcing you to spend your weekends fixing it? Let us guess, an enthusiastic developer introduced a change without testing it thoroughly. But it’s not just app development that can go rogue. Whether it's last-minute changes to client reports, tweaks to your marketing campaign, or any other update in a live setting, unexpected problems can crop up.

Advanced Marketing Analytics: Examples, Tools & Courses

Advanced marketing analytics help you simplify multitouch attribution, create tailored marketing campaigns, and maximize return on investment (ROI) across channels. It helps you seek patterns and insights to improve marketing performance. These days, you can’t do online marketing without advanced analytics. Moreover, you need the right tools and skills to make sense of data scattered across multiple apps.

SAP HANA APIs with DreamFactory

The ability to process and analyze information in real-time is more than just an advantage—it’s a necessity. SAP HANA, with its in-memory technology, has emerged as a leader in this domain, offering businesses unparalleled speed and agility in data analytics. However, as powerful as SAP HANA is, maximizing its potential often requires seamless integration with other platforms and applications. Enter DreamFactory: an open-source API generation platform designed to connect the dots.

Introducing Data Export for Tricentis qTest

Making sense of testing is one of the biggest challenges our customers face in their day-to-day work. We’re excited to announce that the new Data Export capability in Tricentis qTest makes it easier for QA and engineering leaders to bring their teams’ work into context with data from across the business. Data Export makes your historical data available for download via API, seeded first by an initial download of historical data, then followed by a daily update.

C# Threading and Multithreading: A Guide With Examples

Building responsive and efficient applications in our rapidly-evolving digital world is more crucial now than ever. As software developers, we constantly look for ways to boost performance and improve the user experience. One such method is employing multithreading, a widely used yet often misunderstood feature. This comprehensive guide will dive deep into C# threading and multithreading. We’ll unpack what they are, their differences, and when and how to use each.

10 Best Data Ingestion Tools for Data Teams in 2023

Tired of manually correcting broken data ingestion pipelines? We’ve got 10 tools that can help you save data engineering hours and automate data ingestion end-to-end. Of course, since you’ve landed on the Keboola blog, it's no surprise that we've got Keboola on the list. We’re playing favorites, but hear us out: Keboola is the only tool we know inside out and can vouch for it without a doubt.

How to integrate exploratory testing in the software testing life cycle?

Do you ever feel stuck following the same scripts and testing routines? Automated and manual regression testing can save time, but they often miss the more profound issues hidden beyond the happy paths. If you wish to bring more flexibility to your testing and take a more central spot in the testing process, consider including exploratory testing into your software testing life cycle (STCL).