Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2023

Top 5 API Integration Tools For 2023

API integration allows different software systems to connect with each other and exchange data seamlessly, and this process is literally the backbone of our digital world. While it is entirely possible to perform API integration manually, using dedicated API integration tools offer so many advantages to make this process more efficient, reliable, and manageable.

3 Key Traits of a Successful Product Owner for Government Applications

The product owner role is becoming increasingly common at government agencies implementing new software, such as government acquisition solutions. The product owner’s responsibilities include defining and prioritizing the product backlog—which includes a list of features, enhancements, and fixes—to make sure the product aligns with business goals.

How to use feature flag management for better app testing

Feature flag management is more than just a technical term for Testlio; it’s a systematic approach to controlling, testing, and delivering features within an application. Furthermore, teams that utilize feature flag management simplify code commits, operate new features in a (semi) risk-free environment, and improve communication between devs, QA, and end product.

AI and Low-Code: 4 Things to Know

Today, organizations must do more with less. The pace of innovation has increased exponentially, yet resources remain the same (or are dwindling). Between talent shortages, long development cycles that rely on traditional programming languages, and technology teams that are already stretched perilously thin, many businesses have glaring operational problems they simply can’t solve with their current resources.

How to build a chat app like WhatsApp

When was the last time you WhatsApped someone? In all likelihood, the answer is probably not that long ago. First released in 2009, WhatsApp quickly became the default setting for instant messaging in much of the world. By 2014, it defined the market so much that it was acquired by Facebook – and it has pretty much remained a leader in the chat space ever since.

Understanding the Fallacies of Distributed Systems

Imagine you have a big, complex task to complete, but it's too much for one person to handle alone. So, you decide to break the task into smaller parts and ask your friends to help you. Each friend takes care of their assigned part independently, and when everyone finishes their part, the entire task is complete.

High Mast Lighting Systems: Illuminating the Future with Smart Integration

High mast lighting systems have long been a staple in illuminating large areas such as highways, airports, sports fields, and industrial facilities. These towering fixtures provide powerful illumination, ensuring safety and visibility in even the most challenging conditions. However, as technology advances, so does the potential to make these systems even more efficient and versatile. In this article, we delve into the concept of high mast lighting and explore the exciting possibilities that arise from integrating smart technologies, such as IoT (Internet of Things) sensors and automation.