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August 2023

Beyond Coding - Bekah HW's Deep Dive into OSS, Community, Inclusivity, and 100 Day Challenges

Welcome to Test Case Scenario! In this episode hosted by Jason Baum, our expert guests Evelyn Coleman and Marcus Merrell, as well as special guest BekahHW, creator of the Virtual Coffee community, delve into the exciting world of open source. Join them as they discuss the ins and outs of getting involved in and contributing to open source projects, fostering a sense of community and inclusivity, and even embarking on the challenge of 100 Days of OSS (Open Source Software).

Don't Know Code? Role-Based Contribution in Open Source

Welcome to Test Case Scenario! In this episode, join our host Jason Baum and panelists from Sauce Labs as they dive deep into the thrilling world of open source. Nikolay Advolodkin, Principal Developer Advocate, Marcus Merrell, VP Technology Strategy, and Diego Molina, Open Source Program Lead, share insights on the future of open source, discuss exciting projects, and offer valuable lessons for those venturing into the realm of open source. Get ready for an engaging conversation on the latest open-source trends, developments, and expert advice.

23 Useful .Net Libraries for Your Next Project

Not every development framework is capable of creating a modern application. One of the reasons why.NET is considered one of the best frameworks is because it offers a variety of libraries that can help developers create these modern apps. Its features are also updated using low code and the deployment of high-scalable and accomplished apps.

From Core to Coreless: A Paradigm Shift in Banking

In the ever-evolving world of banking technology, the traditional core banking systems have long been the backbone of financial institutions. However, the limitations and challenges associated with these systems have paved the way for a paradigm shift towards coreless banking. Let us delve into the concept of coreless banking and explore how it is reshaping the banking industry.

Will ChatGPT Save the Chatbot Industry? (Part II)

In part one of this two part series, I reviewed the history of the chatbot, my 2003 patent, and the reasons why the conditions weren’t right for the type of chat experience we’re all now enjoying with ChatGPT. For part two, we get into what has changed and the different ways enterprises can drive modern chatbot experiences with ChatGPT.

What's New in Kong Ingress Controller 2.11?

Since our last Kong Ingress Controller release, we’ve been working hard, and today we’re pleased to announce the immediate availability of Kong Ingress Controller 2.11. KIC 2.11’s standout feature is “last known good configuration”, which allows you to scale your data planes out even if you have a broken configuration on your Kubernetes API server. That’s a strange sentence to write, but it happens more than you’d think.

How Secure is SFTP?

In an era where data security is crucial, understanding the robustness of our data transfer protocols is paramount. As businesses prioritize effective reporting, analysis, and insight gathering, the Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) process plays a pivotal role. This process gathers data from various sources, aiming to store it securely, often in a data warehouse. One method, Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), has been an industry standard for over two decades.

The Complete Guide to FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and SCP

In the digital age, data transfer is integral to operations for businesses of all sizes. While Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes have become fundamental for moving raw data to destinations like data warehouses, the protocols you use to transfer these files can impact the efficiency and security of the entire operation. Dive into our comprehensive guide, as we shed light on the most popular file transfer protocols and their relevance in today's tech landscape.

New Insights into Federated API Gateways in Gartner Hype Cycle for APIs, 2023

Seeking greater insights into the role of federated API gateways? A good place to start is the recently published Gartner® Hype Cycle for APIs, 2023 , which highlights federated API gateways as a technology at the “emerging” maturity stage with a “high” benefit rating.

Empowering Business Intelligence with Yellowfin's Automation Capabilities

In today's data-driven world, companies rely heavily on business intelligence (BI) platforms to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. Yellowfin, specializing in embedded analytics, stands out with its automation features (automated business monitoring). These capabilities have revolutionized the BI landscape, transforming it from basic reporting to self-service analytics and providing companies unparalleled benefits.