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Embracing T+1 Clearing and Settlement in the U.S. Financial Markets: A New Era for Financial Markets

The efficiency and speed of trade settlements are critical to maintaining stability and trust in today’s fast-paced world of financial markets. The settlement periods for trade are becoming increasingly shorter due to continuous technological advancements. On May 28, 2024, this evolution took a significant leap forward when the settlement period for most U.S.

MiFID II: Data Streaming for Post-Trade Reporting

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) came into effect in January 2018, aiming to improve the competitiveness and transparency of European financial markets. As part of this, financial institutions are obligated to report details of trades and transactions (both equity and non-equity) to regulators within certain time limits.

3 Critical Areas Where Intelligent Automation is Revolutionizing Banking

In the world of banking, where customer expectations are continually evolving, and regulatory landscapes are becoming increasingly complex, the integration of intelligent automation stands out as a pivotal solution. Intelligent automation, which combines artificial intelligence (AI) with robotic process automation (RPA), allows banks to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and maintain compliance with ever-changing regulations.

Why Is Testing So Important in Digital Banking?

From traditional brick-and-mortar establishments to sophisticated online platforms, the banking and fintech landscape has drastically evolved. Today, customers expect flawless digital experiences. Any flaw in the experience can cost you their trust, loyalty, and business. Digital banking offers the convenience and accessibility that your customers crave. However, with this transformation comes an increased risk of security breaches, operational failures, and user dissatisfaction.

Revolutionizing Finance: Harnessing the Potential of Generative AI for Growth and Security

Gartner predicts that generative AI will be a workforce partner for 90% of companies globally by 2025. However, Alexander Bant, Gartner Finance’s chief of research, expressed a contrasting view at the Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference in Sydney in February 2024. He noted, “The large majority of CFOs continue to be displeased with the performance of digital investments across their organization.”

Unify your data: AI and Analytics in an Open Lakehouse

Cloudera customers run some of the biggest data lakes on earth. These lakes power mission-critical, large-scale data analytics and AI use cases—including enterprise data warehouses. Nearly two years ago, Cloudera announced the general availability of Apache Iceberg in the Cloudera platform, which helps users avoid vendor lock-in and implement an open lakehouse. With an open data lakehouse powered by Apache Iceberg, businesses can better tap into the power of analytics and AI.

Bringing Financial Services Business Use Cases to Life: Leveraging Data Analytics, ML/AI, and Gen AI

The financial services industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the need for data-driven insights, digital transformation, and compliance with evolving regulations. In this context, Cloudera and TAI Solutions have partnered to help financial services customers accelerate their data-driven transformation, improve customer centricity, ensure compliance with regulations, enhance risk management, and drive innovation.

Banking on Future Growth: Predictions, Challenges, and Performance for Financial Brands

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic uncertainty forced businesses to rethink how they approach growth. This especially rang true in the financial services industry, where financial trends have the most direct impact. Curiosity, collaboration, and adaptability all became key to surviving this new climate.

What's the impact of fintech on banking industry?

Are you aware of the fact that India’s overall fintech market opportunity is estimated to be $1.3 Tn by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 31% during 2021-2025? This one statement paved the way for the FinTech revolution in India and is still growing… In just a few years, the emergence of fintech-powered technologies has revolutionized the financial sector, affecting how both large and small firms deal with their finances and transactions.

10 Fintech App Security Solutions [Complete Guide]

Design, speed, and simplicity are the winning flavors for any mobile banking app. By possessing these characteristics, the fintech app can entice any smartphone enthusiast, the number of whom is steadily increasing. The industry’s major players recognize that the pervasiveness of mobile phones in our lives must be used as a tool to win loyal users for FinTech businesses.