
Seattle, WA, USA
  |  By Ashley Allen
As Laravel web developers, we often need to build Artisan commands for our applications. But interacting with the console can sometimes feel a little cumbersome. Laravel Prompts is a package that aims to improve this experience by providing a simple approach to user-friendly forms in the console. In this article, we'll take a look at Laravel Prompts and some of its features that you can use. We'll then build a simple GitHub CLI client using Prompts to demonstrate how to use it in your applications.
  |  By Jeffery Morhous
Handling data in various formats is a common task in software, and CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files are among the most prevalent data formats you'll encounter. Whether for data migration, reporting, or simply importing and exporting data, processing CSV files efficiently is a necessary skill for any Ruby developer. In this article, we'll learn the practical aspects of parsing and handling CSV data using Ruby.
  |  By Jeffery Morhous
Versioning APIs is a critical part of building web applications, as it allows you to make changes that may otherwise break existing API users. Changing the contract between the API and the clients that depend on it is dangerous, and versioning endpoints adds flexibility and safety. Versioning is implemented in many ways - You can version with subdomains, query parameters, URL schemas, headers, and more!
  |  By Ashley Allen
When building web applications in PHP, there may be times when you want to add metadata to annotate your code that can be read by other parts of your application. For example, if you've ever used PHPUnit to write tests for your PHP code, you'll have likely used the @test annotation to mark a method as a test in a DocBlock. Traditionally, annotations like this have been added to code using DocBlocks. However, as of PHP 8.0, you can use attributes instead to annotate your code in a more structured way.
  |  By Jeffery Morhous
APIs are the bread and butter of the internet. The ability to interact with our applications programmatically enables interoperability and makes our lives as developers easier. Unfortunately, web applications are vulnerable to malicious actors that seek to misuse them or degrade their performance, which is why rate limiting is an important part of any API.
  |  By Adebayo Adams
A widespread issue developers run into when building applications is grouping and organizing code correctly so that it is easier for other developers to understand and collaborate. Conflicting class names, functions, and other code blocks is an issue for developers, and PHP offers a way to tackle this problem by adding namespaces to the language in PHP 5.3. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know to start using namespaces to organize your code efficiently in PHP.
  |  By Jeffery Morhous
Ruby on Rails has long been celebrated for its ‘convention over configuration’ philosophy, simplifying web development for countless programmers. However, what if you’ve started with a lean Rails API-only application and now find yourself needing a front-end? This isn’t uncommon, especially with the rise of JavaScript frameworks and SPAs.
  |  By Ashley Allen
As a web developer, you will often need to send emails from your application. In fact, if you've been a developer for more than a few months, you've probably already had to do this. You might want to send emails for a variety of reasons, such as sending a welcome email to new users, sending a password reset email, or sending a notification to a user. Laravel makes it easy to send these types of emails to single recipients, thanks to some handy features such as mailables and notifications.
  |  By Jeffery Morhous
Background jobs are essential to many Ruby on Rails apps. Since the introduction of ActiveJob, Rails developers have been able to manage their background jobs as natively as they do their database records. Still, ActiveJob requires you to select (and support) a backend adapter that will implement ActiveJob's backend. Many use Redis, a memory cache, to queue and process background jobs. Redis comes with incredible speed but is yet another dependency to maintain.
  |  By Ashley Allen
Maintaining standards in an ever-growing codebase that multiple developers contribute to can be difficult and tedious. Ensuring that the codebase follows best practices and does not deviate from the standards is essential for any project. But this is typically something that can only be enforced manually by code reviews and other similar processes. As with any other manual task, this can be time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone. That's where architecture testing comes in.
  |  By Honeybadger
While Josh is on vacation, Ben chats with guests Will King and John Nunemaker about the process and perils of trying to ship reliably. FounderQuest Episode 15, Season 5 July 19, 2024.
  |  By Honeybadger
Join Honeybadger cofounder Ben Curtis as he uses Honeybadger Insights to debug a slow controller action in Rails. Honeybadger Insights is a new full-stack logging, observability, and performance monitoring tool from Honeybadger.io. Gain insights into your errors, application logs, and other event streams with a powerful query language and ready-made dashboards.
  |  By Honeybadger
Ben and Josh catch up after a few weeks of heads-down product work, and they have lots to talk about—including a new Discord server for FounderQuest listeners! Plus, hear Josh’s thesis on why it’s a huge problem if you’re not using your product to the max.
  |  By Honeybadger
This week Ben interviews Garrett Dimon to talk about some of his exciting new projects. They also cover alternatives to the SaaS business model, such as self-hosted licensing options, to make vacations more relaxing for founders if something goes wrong.
  |  By Honeybadger
This week The Founders take a trip down freelancer memory lane and talk about the hot apps they built and which of them are still alive. They also cover NFTs, pivoting to private equity, and candy bar servers. Also, is "spider season" an official season in the Pacific Northwest?!?!? Click to listen now on the interwebs.
  |  By Honeybadger
This week the Founders recap the initial Hook Relay launch and cover things they learned along the way. Also discussed is if developers will struggle to find purpose if products like Hook Relay make their lives too easy. Lastly, do you remember the days of converting PSDs to HTML? Tune in and prepare for launch!
  |  By Honeybadger
There's no episode of FounderQuest this week. However, if you want to hear WHY there's no episode, Ben takes some time out of fighting fires to explain in 34 seconds.
  |  By Honeybadger
It's a special edition episode this week as Ben chats with Felix Livni of Schedulista to talk startups. There are plenty of hot takes to go around such as ignoring good advice when starting a business, how boostrappers should do the exact opposite things that a venture funded company does, and why you may consider direct mail for a SaaS business. Grab your pitchforks and tune in!
  |  By Honeybadger
This week The Founders talk about integrations and the fact they're spending more and more time updating Honeybadger because of partners' app changes. They also conduct an autopsy on the outbound sales initiative, discuss creating a fictional employee for customers to focus their ire, and decide whether to tweak Hook Relay's site or just ship it!
  |  By Honeybadger
This week on FounderQuest, the hosts go over some features of Hook Relay, share some research on broadcast email solutions, and discuss operational security tips for compliance (get a guard dog). Plus, Goatse is remembered as the original Rick Roll (NSW - Do NOT Google it).

Zero-instrumentation, 360 degree coverage of errors, outages and service degradation. Deploy with confidence and be your team's devops hero.

Monitoring — like web development — is complex. Every day we hear about new tools and techniques, but they're usually for big organizations. Ones with dedicated devops teams and so much traffic they care more about “error rates” than individual user experiences. When you're on a smaller team, this doesn't work so well. You know instrumentation doesn’t pay the bills. Customers do. When they encounter a problem you need clear actionable intelligence, not walls of charts and reams of logs.

What if there were a monitoring tool for developers like us? A single tool that could answer at a glance:

  • Are any front-end or back-end systems raising errors?
  • Is the site unreachable or unusually slow?
  • Are scheduled tasks completing as expected?
  • Which customers have been affected by errors today?
That’s Honeybadger. We’re the application health monitoring tool built for you, not Google.

Honeybadger is used by tens of thousands of pragmatic developers in companies of all sizes who want to focus on shipping great, error-free products instead of wasting time building and maintaining a bespoke monitoring stack.