Super Monitoring

Warsaw, Poland
  |  By Super Monitoring
These days, where web professionals juggle multiple projects and tight deadlines, efficiency isn’t just a goal—it’s a necessity. Geekbot emerges as a beacon of productivity for teams using Slack and Microsoft Teams. With years of industry experience, many have seen tools come and go, but Geekbot stands out for its ability to keep teams engaged, projects on track, and communication seamless, ultimately boosting overall team morale and performance.
  |  By Super Monitoring
Payments are probably the most important part of your ecommerce store. You can only run it if you have a way to collect money and then reuse it to create more products and market your store. This is why you need to meticulously choose the best payment tools. They need to have no downtime so you can accept payments any time anywhere and they also need to help you maximize payments so you get the maximum revenue from your customers.
  |  By Super Monitoring
In the dynamic world of technology, managing and optimizing workforce productivity is a challenge for many organizations. Insightful, a leading workforce analytics and productivity software, is designed to address this challenge by providing actionable data insights. This review will delve into the features, pricing, pros, and cons of Insightful, a tool that is transforming the way organizations manage their teams.
  |  By Super Monitoring
The advent of digital technologies requires industries, including shipping services, to meet the demands of global e-commerce. Accurate tracking, efficient inventory management, and seamless deliveries are now essential components that define successful shipping providers. Shipping providers turn to advanced tools to navigate the complexities of contemporary logistics. These solutions help automate workflows, minimize delays, and optimize customer service.
  |  By Super Monitoring
In the digital age, understanding the pulse of public interest is crucial for web professionals. AnswerThePublic, a cutting-edge search listening tool, has emerged as a vital resource for tapping into the collective inquiries of internet users worldwide. With over 15 years of experience in content strategy, many experts have seen tools come and go, but AnswerThePublic stands out for its ability to transform raw search data into actionable insights.
  |  By Super Monitoring
In the realm of digital design, Sketch has emerged as a game-changer. With its powerful vector editor, built-in prototyping, and collaborative features, Sketch has become the go-to tool for over a million designers worldwide. This article provides an in-depth review of Sketch, tailored for web designers, developers, digital marketers, website owners, and e-commerce managers.
  |  By Super Monitoring
In the ever-evolving web design and development world, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. One such tool that has been making waves in the industry is InVision. With over a million users worldwide, InVision has become a go-to platform for web professionals looking to streamline their design process and create stunning, interactive prototypes.
  |  By Super Monitoring
Beginning a career in web design is like setting out on an unforgettable voyage. Your creativity combined with computer knowledge can result in stunning online creations as you use Chrome extensions to your advantage. Like any journey worth undertaking, web designing requires specific tools for success in order for students to thrive while staying entertained throughout.
  |  By Super Monitoring
If you’re one of those website owners or businesses that employ a Facebook live chat widget on their website, this post is more than critical for you. Facebook is very soon (May 9, 2024) about to terminate the operation of its live chat—the embedded widget that allows you to use it as your website chat plugin. Currently, countless users employ Facebook live chat on their websites. All these people must find alternatives to their current plugin once Facebook stops offering its live chat.
  |  By Super Monitoring
For web designers and developers alike, having a robust toolset can be the difference between an acceptable and a great project. Your website is your first chance to make an impression, so it has never been more vital to embrace new technology and resources to stay ahead of your competitors. We’re looking at 8 different tools and resources that should have a place in any web developer or IT support team’s arsenal.

Superhero-powered monitoring of website availability and performance. Find out first about any failure of your website.

Super Monitoring service main features:

  • Tests every minute (1440 checks per day!)
  • Worldwide monitoring network (servers on 4 continents)
  • Detecting & reporting various outage types
  • Content checking (keyword search)
  • Form testing (filling in and submitting)
  • Performance monitoring (measuring server response times)
  • File integrity checking (checksum validation)
  • Instant alerts (email & SMS)
  • Downtime history (PDF reports, data export).
Available in English, Spanish and Polish.