Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2023

GraphQL from the Ground Up

Building APIs is a craft. Your API product must be stable, accurate, well documented, performant, and meet the informational demands of your clients — no small task. In this series, we’ll take a close look at GraphQL, a trending API technology that aims to help you deliver efficient and capable APIs. GraphQL’s unique and nuanced view of the client-server relationship offers interesting benefits for API delivery.

Pricing Strategies for API Products

APIs and their integrations are paramount for the inner and outer workings of SaaS organizations. As such, pricing strategies for API products have taken center stage for businesses as a crucial determinant of success. APIs have become the linchpin of modern software development, enabling applications to communicate, share data, and provide enhanced functionality.

BDD is Not Only Gherkin or Cucumber

BDD (Behavior Driven Development) strives to communicate clearly whenever any stakeholder's understanding of the desired system changes and attempts to have stakeholders in diverse positions interacting smoothly in parallel to maintain a near-constant grasp of the intended system behavior. If that understanding has been misaligned, it should be updated, or it should be synthesized with a new understanding of the intended system. This ensures that all stakeholders are pulling in the same direction.

What is Yellowfin Broadcast? Adding Call-to-Actions to Your BI

One of the most common challenges of analytics adoption is ensuring that your customers or end-users can see and extract value from their data and reporting tools. Providing people with new and improved embedded analytics tools is unfortunately not enough to guarantee that everyone will be able to use them without additional assistance or encouragement.

Sidestep the BI BS: 6 questions to ask before signing a contract

I recently watched the movie Air. I absolutely loved it. Note: if you don’t want spoilers, you may want to skip the next two paragraphs. Air is a story chronicling how Nike, the underdog in those days, steals Michael Jordan away from Adidas and Converse. With the cards stacked against Nike—they had a much smaller budget than their big-brand competitor, Adidas—it was conventionally assumed that Michael was better off signing with a more established brand.