
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
  |  By Sumeet Arora
The 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and BI Platforms just dropped, and we’re thrilled to announce that ThoughtSpot was recognized as a Leader in the report. But, we aren’t the only ones finding ourselves in a new position this year. The analytics and BI space has undergone some of the most significant shifts in over a decade, an aftershock of generative AI.
  |  By Murtuza (Ali) Alladin
Organizations leveraging cloud data warehouses like Snowflake require the ability to efficiently manage and optimize their data connections. Without this, data teams will face challenges with various use cases, such as workload distribution and environment testing. Recognizing the need for greater flexibility and control over data connections, ThoughtSpot developed a powerful new feature: Multiple Configurations per Connection.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
ThoughtSpot Everywhere is renamed ThoughtSpot Embedded, delivering invisible analytics and powerful business outcomes with new developer productivity investments, pricing editions, courses, and certifications.
  |  By Vijay Venugopal
Every company around the globe is trying to get in on the GenAI wave to simplify user experiences with natural language. And this is especially true in the realm of data and analytics. Imagine if you could enable all of your marketers to evaluate the performance of their campaigns with a simple question? Or, if you could provide all of your insurance risk managers with the ability to analyze the risk profile of their claims with the power of search and automated insights?
  |  By Vika Smilansky
Over the past couple of years, ThoughtSpot and Google have collaborated on a series of seamless user experiences—enabling deployments on Google Cloud Platform, creating the ability to live query entire Google BigQuery analytics catalogs, and integrating key Looker Modeling functionality just to name a few. This type of co-innovation helps mutual customers get the most value out of their data.
  |  By Ajeet Singh
Over the course of my career, I’ve had the opportunity to found and lead multiple technology companies with great teams. These companies have redefined their industries and empowered customers to work in different, better ways. At the core of these companies, however, has been a constant mission. A purpose. A north star that guides us over multiple decades.
  |  By Murtuza (Ali) Alladin
Managing complex data pipelines is a major challenge for data-driven organizations looking to accelerate analytics initiatives. While AI-powered, self-service BI platforms like ThoughtSpot can fully operationalize insights at scale by delivering visual data exploration and discovery, it still requires robust underlying data management. Now, that’s changing. Snowflake's new dynamic tables feature redefines how BI and analytics teams approach data transformation pipelines.
  |  By Sonny Rivera
Data is often described with cliches like, it's "the new oil" or “the new air.” No matter how you describe it, there is no denying the increasing importance of data monetization across every industry. Forward-thinking organizations recognize data apps as both a revenue stream and a differentiated service to increase customer loyalty.
  |  By Sumeet Arora
It’s an exciting time to be in the world of data and business intelligence. Recent advances in AI and machine learning are not only changing the way we interact with data, but also pushing those of us who build analytics and BI platforms to think critically about how our products can best serve our customers moving forward. Some will always love getting hands-on with data—but that’s no longer the only option.
  |  By Bhargav Addala
Every winter, members of ThoughtSpot’s research and development teams participate in a company-wide hackathon called Codex. The ideas that come out of Codex are always inspiring, but the Winter 22/23 hackathon was special—OpenAI had just released ChatGPT and the world was buzzing about generative AI.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
ThoughtSpot Analytics Cloud 9.12.5 is now available! Ask questions about your business in natural language using the ThoughtSpot mobile app. Design visual data stories with customized font, background, header styling, and auto-fitting images. Forecast future trends with single-click time series forecasting in SpotIQ.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
In this episode, hear Sadie St. Lawrence’s thoughts on how to effectively leverage Generative AI at work by asking the right questions, and how the technology can help you to expand on your divergent thinking. There’s so much more to the future of work with Generative AI now at its core. Sadie shares where we’re headed, and how we can bridge the gap between humans and AI.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
ThoughtSpot Analytics Cloud 9.12 is now available! Drill, filter, customize charts, and verify formulas and SQL queries for AI answers without leaving the ThoughtSpot Sage experience Iteratively drill and auto-examine each attribute with SpotIQ Change Analysis for deeper insights Track your content's version history effortlessly using Git right within the ThoughtSpot UI.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
ThoughtSpot Analytics Cloud 9.10.5 is now available! =
  |  By ThoughtSpot
What do people mean when they say ChatGPT or GPT-3? Quickly learn what are Large Language Models, and what makes them interesting.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
ThoughtSpot Analytics Cloud 9.10 is now available!
  |  By ThoughtSpot
Looking to light up your business data? Learn how ThoughtSpot helped Deputy unlock the power of their data models created on dbt by transforming their data culture from rigid, ticket based to more flexible, and self-serve led.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
ThoughtSpot Sage is the AI-powered search experience that puts LLMs to work on all your data. Check out what’s new and what’s coming soon - including advanced controls, conversational BI, GenAI tools for product builders and developers, and more.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
You’ve heard the term data science, but have you heard about decision science? Juergen Kallinger, VP of Data and Insights at HP, shares valuable insights and reflections from his 22-year journey at HP. In this episode, Juergen dives into HP’s pivotal shift from solely reporting, to the dynamic realm of decision science and how it’s aligned their data team.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
New to ThoughtSpot? In just 2 minutes, this demo walks you through everything you need to start gaining AI-powered insights on ThoughtSpot.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
For more than 20 years, dashboards served as a foundational element of business intelligence, helping leaders visualize and share valuable data across their organization.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
Businesses today run on apps, and those apps run on data. Too often, however, the technical complexity required to surface and explore that data for additional analysis prevents users from doing so. With ThoughtSpot Everywhere, organizations are easily building new data apps powered by the simplicity and ease of use of ThoughtSpot, or adding ThoughtSpot services to their existing SaaS offerings. This is giving them the unprecedented opportunity to create product experiences that stick, monetize data in new ways, and harness data right within existing tools.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
We are living in an unprecedented time driven by rapidly changing economic scenarios, the rise of digital native organizations and growing digital revolution, and the emergence of transformative business models. At the heart of much of this revolution is data. Organizations are collecting, analyzing, and mining data at an accelerated rate, creating new opportunities for powerful insights that deliver significant business impact.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
Today, just 24% of organizations say they've succeeded at becoming data-driven.* This is a challenge many data leaders are still struggling to solve despite increasing demand for data-driven insights from business users. Migrating to a cloud data warehouse is a good first step-and many have done so-but introducing new technology is not the same as ensuring adoption. To truly reap the benefits of your cloud data warehouse investment, you need an equally fast, scalable, and easy-to-adopt analytics solution to make your cloud data available to all.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
Despite huge investments in data and analytics over the last two decades, many companies are still struggling with how to become truly data-driven. What are data leaders doing at the organizations that have figured it out? In this white paper, DATAcated Academy's Kate Strachnyi explores four key strategies for critically evaluating your entire data and analytics stack and systematically removing the barriers that exist between their business users and business-critical insights.
  |  By ThoughtSpot
Although making predictions about the future is difficult even under the best of circumstances, it's never been more important for business leaders to focus, prioritize, and act in order to stay ahead of the technological curve-and the competition. The strategies you used to innovate and grow your business in the past will not be the same ones you use today. Rethinking how you use data to react and proactively adapt to change will be critical to your bottom line.

ThoughtSpot is the Modern Analytics Cloud company. With ThoughtSpot, you can put the full power of your modern data stack in the hands of every employee and customer with consumer-grade analytics.

Why Everyone Loves ThoughtSpot?

  • Instant Insights for all: Stop waiting for custom reports from data experts and instantly answer ad-hoc data questions on the fly.
  • Unleash the value of your cloud data: Maximize the value of your cloud data warehouse and accelerate speed-to-insight for everyone across your business.
  • Build Interactive Data Apps: Drive adoption by embedding search and insight-driven actions into your apps using our low-code developer-friendly platform.
  • Bye-bye backlog: Empower non-technical people to answer their own data questions, while you build a single source of truth with security and governance at scale.

Welcome to the Modern Analytics Cloud.