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Exploring the Node.js Native Test Runner

The inclusion of a stable test runner in Node.js(version 18+) has generated significant debate in the community, given the abundance of established third-party testing frameworks. While its arrival naturally sparks comparisons to existing tools, this article won't focus on justifying its place in the ecosystem. Instead, we'll embark on a hands-on exploration of the test runner's core capabilities, from writing and executing tests to organization and customization features.

Building a Full-Stack Application With Kafka and Node.js

A well-known debate: tabs or spaces? Sure, we could set up a Google Form to collect this data, but where’s the fun in that? Let’s settle the debate, Kafka-style. We’ll use the new confluent-kafka-javascript client (not in general availability yet) to build an app that produces the current state of the vote counts to a Kafka topic and consumes from that same topic to surface them to a JavaScript frontend.

OpenTelemetry in N|Solid

N|Solid Runtime, the OSS runtime that powers N|Solid Pro, is an innovative, lightweight runtime for Node.js applications. It offers real-time insights into performance, memory usage, and CPU consumption, giving developers unparalleled visibility into their code without requiring any modifications. In today’s software landscape, understanding your application's production behavior is crucial. With cloud-native architectures, microservices, and distributed systems, pinpointing issues is challenging.

How to Perform Data Validation in Node.js

Data validation is essential to avoid unexpected behavior, prevent errors, and improve security. It can be performed both on a web page — where data is entered — and on the server, where the data is processed. In this tutorial, we'll explore data validation in the Node.js backend. Then, you'll learn how to implement it in Express using the express-validator library. Get ready to become a Node.js data validation expert!

Cypress vs. Playwright for Node: A Head-to-Head Comparison

It's essential to test web applications to ensure reliability, functionality, and a good user experience. That's why robust testing frameworks have become so important for web developers. Among the plethora of available tools, Cypress and Playwright have emerged as two of the most popular choices for automating end-to-end testing. In this Cypress versus Playwright comparison guide, we'll explore the strengths and weaknesses of the two tools, their features, and their differences. Cypress or Playwright?

Testing Bunjs Web Application With Cucumber Js And Keploy

In our previous blog, we explored how to build a modern web server using BunJs and Prisma, integrating robust authentication mechanisms with JWT tokens. Now, it’s time to ensure our application is reliable and error-free through thorough testing. In this blog, we’ll dive into testing methodologies using Cucumber JS and Keploy, both are a powerful tools that streamline the testing process and enhance the quality of our application.

Understanding Offset and Cursor-Based Pagination in Node.js

Pagination means dividing a big chunk of data into smaller pages. It unlocks performance benefits for the backend, while also improving UX by sending manageable pieces of data to a client. In this article, we'll explore offset-based and cursor-based server-side pagination approaches, compare them, and implement cursor-based pagination in Node.js. Let's get started!

What's New in Node.js 22

Node.js 22 has been released, offering a compelling upgrade for developers. It takes over the 'Current' release line, while v21 transitions into maintenance mode until its end-of-life in June. This release delivers advances like a stabilized Watch mode, pattern matching support in the fs module, a default-enabled WebSocket client, and a new--run flag for script execution. It also offers some performance improvements and the usual V8 engine upgrade.

When to Use Bun Instead of Node.js

Bun and Node.js are two JavaScript runtime technologies to run JavaScript on the server. Node.js is the undisputed king of server-side development with JavaScript, but Bun has gained popularity thanks to its unbelievable performance capabilities. The real question is, though: does it really make sense to use Bun instead of Node.js? Let's learn about Bun and Node.js, dig into their characteristics, and explore some scenarios where Bun can be a better alternative to Node.js.

Solving Memory Leaks in Node.js has Never Been Easier, Introducing the Latest Version of N|Solid

We are thrilled to announce the release of a new feature in N|Solid that includes sample heap profiling and heap objects observability for main processes and worker threads. N|Solid is known for its Node.js performance and security observability and diagnostic tools and best-in-class low overhead has completed a new innovation to hunt memory leaks in development and production environments. Memory is a precious resource in computing.