
Austin, TX, USA
  |  By Arpita Goala
Engineering and product leaders often struggle with balancing speed, quality, and cost in software testing, especially with the rapid evolution of technology and increasing demands for efficiency from executives. To address these challenges, many are turning to Testing-as-a-Service (TaaS). This outsourcing model uses expert partners to scale testing capabilities dynamically without requiring extensive in-house resources.
  |  By Testlio
E-commerce has transformed the way we shop and conduct business. With global retail online sales expected to reach $8.1 trillion by 2026 and digital buyers accounting for 33.3% of the global population, the e-commerce industry is growing at an unprecedented rate. However, this rapid expansion creates a critical need for robust e-commerce testing.
  |  By Testlio
In the fast-paced world of software development, quality assurance (QA) and DevOps are crucial for delivering reliable and high-performing applications. This article covers 21 essential QA statistics highlighting the importance of DevOps testing. The software testing industry now exceeds $45 billion, reflecting its critical role. Key trends include continuous testing, automation, and advanced tools. These statistics showcase the practices that enhance software development.
  |  By Testlio
You developed your software and went through all the rigorous testing processes, and now you’re wondering, “What’s next?” This is where beta testing comes in.
  |  By Testlio
Did you know that users worldwide downloaded approximately 77 billion mobile apps in 2023? With the rise of global digital markets and a growing smartphone user base, making your app stand out requires more than great functionality. It demands cultural relevance and linguistic accuracy. Global app developers must ensure their app is accessible to all types of users regardless of language and location. However, successfully adapting a product to a different language and locale can be challenging.
  |  By Testlio
Quality assurance (QA) is critical to delivering brilliant customer experiences. However, with a plethora of testing types and methods, testing a mobile application for release can be overwhelming. We’ve outlined the essential mobile application testing process below to get you through it.
  |  By Testlio
DORA’s 2023 State of DevOps report affirms that 84% of the surveyed organizations use at least one DevOps practice in their development workflows, and the most common integration for 80% of the companies was the CI/CD pipeline. Further, Gartner’s recent survey reported that industrial cloud platforms will emerge as a business necessity for around 50% of organizations by 2028.
  |  By Testlio
Quality assurance (QA) is essential for developing reliable and efficient software. It ensures that issues are identified and resolved early so the final product meets all requirements and performs effectively. This guide will provide a detailed roadmap for understanding and implementing effective QA practices in software development.
  |  By Testlio
With mobile apps expected to reach more than 183.7 billion installations globally, there has also been an increase in mobile app security threats. Today’s cyberattacks are highly sophisticated, requiring constant vigilance due to many unknown or emerging threats. These threats require a proactive approach to mobile application security. End users can take steps to protect sensitive data on their devices, such as avoiding unprotected public Wi-Fi and setting up multi-factor authentication.
  |  By Juan Carlos (JC) Gaal
Our Journey of Excellence and Leaders We’re thrilled to announce that Testlio has been awarded 51 badges in the G2 summer report, a true testament to our unwavering commitment to industry leadership and customer support. The G2 summer report provides an unbiased, comprehensive look at companies’ performance in the software testing industry, based on verified user reviews.
  |  By Testlio
4 Difference Between Functional and Nonfunctional Testing by @testlio
  |  By Testlio
On a gloomy Friday evening ten years ago, two young Estonian entrepreneurs with a dream sat in a dimly lit flat in London, trying to come up with a name for their future company that would improve the way software testing is done. The AngelHack hackathon was starting the next day and the couple was planning to to pitch their idea there. A bit before midnight, the goal of choosing the company name was reached - Testlio was officially registered and our founders Kristel and Marko Kruustük were ready to take on one of the biggest and rewarding journeys of their life - creating a globally distributed company that powers networked testing to enable human possibilities.
  |  By Testlio
Fused testing brings together automated and manual testing as a direct response to the tension between quality, speed and coverage in the software development process. Testlio is the first company to provide the quality engineering talent, industry partnerships, holistic platform and strategic services needed to deliver fused testing.
  |  By Testlio
Hey, future TestLion. Ready to join our Pride? No matter which mobile apps you use, there’s a good chance that Testlio plays a role in it. We have tested apps from top brands like the NBA, CBS, Microsoft, Hotels.com, and USA Today. Over 1.6 billion people have a better app experience because of our work.
  |  By Testlio
Software is the lifeblood of every business. To satisfy customers' increasing expectations and to stay ahead of the competition, businesses need to continually improve and enhance their software offerings. The need for increased speed is understood; however, customers have zero tolerance for decreased software quality.
  |  By Testlio
The entrepreneurial journey is an adventure with unpredictable twists and turns. But, while journeys takes many shapes, one thing is common amongst entrepreneurs – a passion and vision for what might be. Testlio's journey started in 2012 with an idea to offer a better way to test software and release apps with confidence. Testlio's founders, Kristel and Marko Kruustuk, had the vision to provide skilled testers with more meaningful opportunities, thereby creating world-class app testing outcomes and customer experiences.
  |  By Testlio
Today's business software users want consumer-like digital experiences, and quality is critical for customer adoption and retention. But with expanding product scope and increasingly diverse end-users, are your software testing practices keeping up with customers' expectations?
  |  By Testlio
Join industry veterans Michelle Surya and Zach Chrissinger for a 30-minute webinar on building a live stream testing strategy.
  |  By Testlio

More information about Testlio Ignite: https://testlio.com/ignite/

  |  By Testlio
This guide explains how the logical principles of fused testing debunk common test automation journey assumptions. Together, humans and machines run rapid test cycles conducted in short timeframes to release quality apps and better end-to-end customer experiences. This guide explains how the logical principles of fused testing debunk common test automation journey assumptions. Together, humans and machines run rapid test cycles conducted in short timeframes to release quality apps and better end-to-end customer experiences.
  |  By Testlio
Payment gateways are the vital financial link between customer and business. You risk a lost sale if a customer encounters even a minor issue during checkout. Payment gateway testing mimics each step of the payment process to verify that connections, transactions, and paths for communications are working. Testers uncover issues that impact a seamless transaction and user experience. This guide provides a full overview of payments testing, from definitions to use cases to actionable testing scenarios.
  |  By Testlio
Each approach for scaling QA - in-house, offshore, crowdsourced, networked - has its own merit; deciding between approaches can be a painstaking process. One way to compare testing methods is to break down their respective costs. This whitepaper walks you through a financial model to understand the economic considerations of in-house vs. networked testing. Each approach for scaling QA - in-house, offshore, crowdsourced, networked - has its own merit; deciding between approaches can be a painstaking process.
  |  By Testlio
Whether you scale QA in-house or through a partner, it's essential to understand which options best match your app testing needs. Do you hire in-house testers? Do your engineers need to shift left and take ownership of code issues? Do you augment testing with crowdsourced QA? For many organizations, the answer is a software testing partner that can help you tackle all of these issues. Whether you scale QA in-house or through a partner, it's essential to understand which options best match your app testing needs.
  |  By Testlio
Learn how to extract vital testing session information to identify the cause of defects. Most QA and engineering teams are missing out on critical app testing session data. Access to these insights helps rapidly increase bug triage and issue resolution. With instrumented testing, software teams have rich, nuanced, and contextual issue causation and testing environment data at their fingertips. In addition to revealing new test data, teams can reduce their dependency on multiple diagnostic tools or processes.
  |  By Testlio
Companies seeking to take advantage of the global online consumer base must optimize their offerings for web and mobile devices. Software development companies have two primary options for device testing - real and virtual. This guide explores the benefits of real device testing and how to craft a networked testing strategy that ensures dynamic offerings across operating systems, network connections, browsers, devices, and a global user base.
  |  By Testlio
Learn why virtual experiences like video chat, interactive commenting, and others are gaining popularity and what to test for a seamless user experience.
  |  By Testlio
Discover why an industry shift towards a "collective" approach to testing makes sense for flexibility, cohesion, and faster release cycles.
  |  By Testlio
This data-packed report uncovers key insights and benchmarks for Commerce & Retail app engineering and QA Teams.
  |  By Testlio
This e-book is loaded with ideas to help you maximize speed and efficiency in a remote-only world.

Testlio is the leader in managed app testing. With networked and burstable models, Testlio helps you deliver great customer experiences—fast.

Testlio’s widely acclaimed app testing solution features dedicated client teams, a global network of thousands of testers in 150+ countries, and a comprehensive service delivery platform. Our suite of flexible, scalable and on-demand testing services are perfect for end-to-end, usability, localization, functional, and location testing programs. When apps must perform brilliantly, clients like American Express, CBS, Hotels.com, Microsoft, and the NBA turn to Testlio to ensure world-class customer experiences for 1.6 billion+ users.

How Testlio Works:

  • Testlio Platform: Streamline all your testing needs under a single robust test management platform. Testlio’s elegant UI and intuitive modular platform guide you seamlessly through the entire testing process. Unlimited licenses. No fees.
  • Testlio Services: The Testlio Services team brings multiple named resources to each client engagement based on variable needs – from a light-touch co-managed approach to an embedded and integrated fully-managed engagement and every step in-between.
  • Testlio Network: With thousands of vetted and experienced testers in 150+ countries, the Testlio Network brings burstable testing expertise, efficiencies, and higher quality issue detection to your web and native app testing.
  • Testlio Purpose: We passionately test to fuel amazing app experiences. We are relentlessly dedicated to helping you quickly and confidently release great software products. We’re a different kind of testing company. Human-driven. Team-oriented. Kind.

Testlio helps more than 2 billion people use great apps.