
Aubagne, France
  |  By Stephen Jenkins
In this post we are going to look at how you can spot trends in your performance test results and use this trend analysis to help shape the way you address performance testing. Performance testing can generate a large volume of performance test data and using this data to define your future performance testing coverage, scope and volumes can really add benefit to your non-functional testing process.
  |  By Guillaume Betaillouloux
Version 15 of OctoPerf bring a huge focus on continuous integration and Devops practices. We've taken steps to highlight existing integrations, add many others and we've thrown an entirely new report type on top of it.
  |  By Thomas Pitteman
If you'd like to carry out load tests in a simple way, benefit from a simplified configuration with a focus on writing your test plan and its test typology, have the opportunity to monitor through detailed dashboards, store your metrics, and also mock one or several services: you are at the right place! With this kind of configuration you will be able to make shift-left performance testing as well!
  |  By Stephen Jenkins
In this blog post we are going to look at using JMeter to support business testing in production. This is a slightly different topic to the one discussed in this post on testing in production. The one in the link above is around running your performance testing in production for reasons that are discussed in that post. This post is going to focus on how you can leverage your performance testing tools to support this activity, as discussed above we will focus on JMeter in some of the examples.
  |  By Stephen Jenkins
In this post we are going to look at the importance of volume testing. We are going to consider how this type of non-functional test can have a significant impact on your size and scale your production environment based on evidence this test provides.
  |  By Stephen Jenkins
In this blog post we are going to look at how we can use our performance tests to act as Sanity Test. We have touched upon the subject in one of our blog posts on the hidden benefits or performance testing. This post will however look to provide more detail on the subject and provide guidance on how you can accomplish this. We are not suggesting that you write a set of JMeter tests to act as sanity tests for our application under test as that would not be that beneficial.
  |  By Stephen Jenkins
In this post we are going to look at performance test coverage. What functionality to performance test can range from very little to most of the application under test and both are valid under the right circumstances.
  |  By Thomas Pitteman
If you'd like to run load tests in a simple way, and possibly share them, while benefiting from a simplified configuration, with a focus on writing your test plan, and its test typology, this article is for you! Docker offers virtualization services that simplify the replication of working environments. Furthermore, each virtualized service is isolated from unrelated services on other containers or the host machine, ensuring portability across host machines and the network.
  |  By Stephen Jenkins
In this blog post we are going to look at how we take a postman request or collection and translate these into JMeter tests. When web services are being build it is common for Postman to be used to test the endpoints. This is done by: the list goes on. What naturally happens during programmes where web services are part of the design is that postman requests and collections are built and grow to support all manner of requirements.
  |  By OctoPerf
Extracting values from server responses is a common operation in scripting scenarios for performance testing. In most cases it is a mandatory step in order to reproduce realistic traffic using dynamic values generated on server side like sessionIds or Tokens. The most known way to extract values is using regular expression. While regular expressions are efficient for raw text-based responses, they are less efficient for structured responses like XML or JSON.
  |  By OctoPerf
This is a recorded demo of OctoPerf. We start from a fresh recording using firefox, then take time to make it dynamic. After that we configure a load policy and execute a complete load test.
  |  By OctoPerf
Recording of the 01/02/2023 webinar about OctoPerf's new UI.
  |  By OctoPerf
This is the recording of the OctoPerf v12 webinar that happened on the 10th of november 2020.
  |  By OctoPerf
How to debug a Gatling simulation on Kraken and compare the responses with the recorded (HAR) ones
  |  By OctoPerf
How to run a Gatling simulation on multiple hosts thanks to Kraken:
  |  By OctoPerf
How to import an HTTP Archive in Kraken: https://kraken.octoperf.com/gatling/import-har-gatling-scripts/
  |  By OctoPerf
Automate an OctoPerf test through Maven
  |  By OctoPerf
Record a test scenario on your application using Firefox and OctoPerf HAR import engine to create a JMeter scripts.
  |  By OctoPerf
In this white paper we are going to demonstrate that with a little thought and a bit of common sense any company can execute performance testing regardless of how complex the application under test.

OctoPerf is the first full Web user experience in the load testing tool market. Both our SaaS load testing solution and our on-premise Enterprise Edition comes with a Web UI. Design, set your load policy, execute your load test, and analyze it directly from a web browser.

OctoPerf provides an A to Z load testing service for web and mobile applications. Experience the best of legacy tools for a fraction of their price. Simulate the realistic behavior of users browsing through your application. Launch hundreds of thousands of concurrent users coming from all around the globe or from your own server infrastructure. Cross monitoring metrics with performance values to quickly spot bottlenecks.

Load Testing Made Simple:

  • Harder: OctoPerf is developped by a hard-core agile team. We automate everything that can be and invest little to no money in marketing. In the end you benefit from unbeatable rates. By reintroducing competition, we make load testing more accessible.
  • Better: While the majority of legacy tools features are irrelevant for most load testers, we focus on the most important ones, refining and polishing OctoPerf to offer you the best possible user experience.
  • Faster: In addition to be the easiest to use, Octoperf prides itself on a contextual documentation, video tutorials, a methodology training and a live chat. You have all you need to quickly conduct load tests like a pro.
  • Stronger: OctoPerf is based on proven open-source solutions: JMeter™ for the load testing engine and Rancher for the load injectors orchestrator. A high code quality and a 100% test coverage allows us to keep a high pace of feature release.

A New Load Testing Experience.