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Understanding Bug Advocacy - An Instagram Live with Rahul Pawal

Following is a transcription of the AMA session with Rahul Parwal on the topic – Bug Advocacy. Here Rahul brings forth the importance of bug advocacy, its step-by-step implementation, and tips on making this process easier. We recently launched a course on Bug Advocacy instructed by Rahul Parwal. You can check the course out from our courses section.

Requirement Gathering Blog Series, Part 2: Requirements in the Agile World

This is Part 2 of the Requirement Gathering Blog series by Rahul Parwal. We’d like to thank him for sharing his expertise with the community through this information-packed piece. In the Agile methodology, the requirement-gathering “phase” is not as rigid and formal as in the traditional Waterfall method.

Requirement Gathering Blog Series, Part 1: Understanding Requirements

This is the Part 1 of the Requirement Gathering Workbook by Rahul Parwal. We’d like to thank him for sharing his expertise with the community through this information-packed piece. The purpose of this Workbook | Session Notes | Summary Document is to help testers understand the importance of requirement gathering and how it can add massive value to the testing process.