Testlio: Infusing a Startup Mentality in Mature Organizations

Testlio: Infusing a Startup Mentality in Mature Organizations


In today's fast-paced business landscape, companies that don't innovate and adapt run the risk of becoming obsolete. However, fostering a startup mindset in an established organization can be difficult, demanding a shift in culture towards experimentation, continuous learning, and collaboration.

To shed light on this important topic, we're thrilled to have Dan Van Tran, CTO of Collectors, a company with over 37 years of experience and a proven track record of innovation and adaptation, join Testlio's CEO, Steve Semelsberger, in a conversation on how to successfully navigate this challenge.

Prepare to hear tips on:

  • Leveraging technology to streamline processes and drive innovation
  • Overcoming resistance to change and encouraging experimentation
  • Creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement
  • Building hybrid teams of internal employees and outside services partners
  • Embracing fused software testing to ensure high-quality product releases

Whether you're a CTO looking to drive change in your organization, or an individual contributor looking to make a difference, this webinar is packed with actionable insights.