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Sauce Labs

Device Farms Reimagined: Attaining Any-to-Any Test Coverage

Join social trading platform pioneer eToro and partners Sauce Labs and Testlio for a discussion on the role that device architectures play towards building a quality engineering system for scale. The speakers will pull from real-world experiences to offer perspectives on the implications of alternative testing architectures.

How to Inspect Element on Android

Learn how to inspect elements on Android devices to debug your website If you're a website developer, it's important to ensure that your website looks and functions as designed on different devices, browsers, and operating systems. UI testing is an important part of mobile testing. It's particularly important on Android devices. Android is the most popular operating system with 71% of the global smartphone market share.

How to Resolve Mobile App Test Failures and Errors Faster

Learn how using a real device cloud can help resolve mobile app test errors and help teams streamline debugging. The content of this post is excerpted from the Sauce Labs webinar Resolve Mobile App Test Failures and Errors Faster with Kristian DeVito, Senior Solution Engineer at Sauce Labs. Bad customer experiences on mobile apps are costly—faced with crashes, freezes, or wait times, frustrated users will abandon brands, share negative reviews, or even simply uninstall the app.

WebdriverIO v8 Release

Learn about what's new in WebdriverIO v8. The primary goal for the new version of WebdriverIO was to transition from CommonJS to ESM in order to continue with important dependency updates and avoid security issues. Furthermore, we cleaned up some code, implemented a new Action API interface and streamlined the way WebdriverIO deals with global objects using the test runner.

November '22 Updates: iOS 16.1 and Latest iPads on Simulators & Real Devices, Announcing Our Community Fellows, and More

Fall is on the way out, and we have a lot to be grateful for: hot apple cider, extra helpings of stuffing, and oh yes — a bounty of exciting updates from Sauce Labs! Let's dive in.

Learn About Responsive Website Design and Responsive Design Testing

Learn the basics of responsive website design and testing to help your team ensure great UX across different devices and configurations. One of the main challenges that development and QA teams face today involves screen resolution. Depending on the device from which a user connects, screen resolutions could range from a mere 320 pixels wide (the screen width on the iPhone 5, which has the smallest resolution of modern devices) to 4K desktop displays with resolutions of 3840 by 2160 pixels or more.

How to Inspect Element on iPhone

Learn how to inspect elements on an iPhone or iPad for testing and troubleshooting web and mobile web UI issues When you're developing a web or mobile web app, you need to make sure the user interface (UI) is responsive. In other words, the UI elements need to look and function as designed across different mobile device models, browsers, and operating systems (OS). Inspecting elements is a helpful tool for troubleshooting web UI issues.

Black Friday: Retail Holiday or Developers' Nightmare?

For developers and QA engineers, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are a game of watching how much weight the ice can take before it cracks. Learn how uptime goes beyond performance testing, and what you can do to prepare for the worst. In the United States, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. For many of us, this serves as a chance to see family, play some football, and stuff ourselves with an unholy amount of food.