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How to Accelerate HuggingFace Throughput by 193%

Deploying models is becoming easier every day, especially thanks to excellent tutorials like Transformers-Deploy. It talks about how to convert and optimize a Huggingface model and deploy it on the Nvidia Triton inference engine. Nvidia Triton is an exceptionally fast and solid tool and should be very high on the list when searching for ways to deploy a model. Our developers know this, of course, so ClearML Serving uses Nvidia Triton on the backend if a model needs GPU acceleration.

How to Do Data Labeling, Versioning, and Management for ML

It has been months ago when Toloka and ClearML met together to create this joint project. Our goal was to showcase to other ML practitioners how to first gather data and then version and manage data before it is fed to an ML model. We believe that following those best practices will help others build better and more robust AI solutions. If you are curious, have a look at the project we have created together.

How To Deploy a HuggingFace Model (Seamlessly)

What if I want to serve a Huggingface model on ClearML? Where do I start? In general, machine learning engineers know by now that a good model serving engine is invaluable when serving models in production. These days, NVIDIA’s Triton inference engine is a popular option to do so, but it is lacking in some respects.

YOLOv5 Now Integrates Seamlessly with ClearML

The popular object detection model and framework made by ultralytics now has ClearML built-in. It’s now easier than ever to train a YOLOv5 model and have the ClearML experiment manager track it automatically. But that’s not all, you can easily specifiy a ClearML dataset version ID as the data input and it will automatically be used to train your model on. Follow us along in this blogpost, where we talk about the possibilities and guide you through the process of implementing them.

[MLOPS] From experiment management to model serving and back. A complete usecase, step-by-step!

The recording of our talk at the MLOps World summit. This talk covers a complete example, starting from experiment management and data versioning, building up into a pipeline and finally deploying using ClearML serving with drift monitoring. We then induce artifical drift to trigger the monitoring alerts and go back down the chain to quickly retrain a model and deploy it using canary deployment.