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How to Plug an Existing User Store into WSO2 Identity Server?

Are you someone who already has a legacy system in place and wants to migrate to a modern authentication system with Identity and Access Management (IAM) features? The first thing you need to consider is how you can use the existing legacy user store with this new system. Keep in mind that if the legacy user store uses an old security mechanism to store your data, we would recommend that you migrate to the WSO2 JDBC user store format or Active Directory (AD).

Proof of possession for OAuth2 tokens(DPoP) with WSO2 Identity Server #Identityin15

In today's episode, we will discuss how you can secure OAuth2 Tokens with DPoP using the WSO2 Identity Server. DPoP (Demonstrating-Proof-of-Possession) is an additional security mechanism for the token generation which overcomes the issue of bearer token which will not validate between who is requested token and who is actually using the token for the access of a particular resource. The following is the outline for today's session.

Performance optimization techniques used in Asgardeo - Part 02

This is the second installment of the series. As a result, if you haven't yet completed Part 01 of the series, it is highly urged that you do so first. According to the official website, Asgardeo is an IDaaS that allows developers to create seamless login experiences in minutes. Let's concentrate on the performance optimization approaches utilized in react and webpack in this article.

Audit Logging for Micro-Integrator

When you are running a micro-integrator on a microservices environment, administrators who have admin access to the micro-integrator are able to change its configurations via admin services API. When someone needs to debug the system and find out which person did what change, then the micro-integrator needs to keep a log of activities performed on the micro-integrator. Audit logs are simply a set of logs that let you find what are the changes performed on the micro-integrator instance. Audit logs feature support from the APIM 4.1.0 onward.