How to work with databases

How to work with databases

To start working with a MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or MSSQL database, all you need to do is to select our Database connector. We have already learned from the short video on credentials that there are quite a few fields to fill in when you need to connect to a database for the first time. The data you see me enter here is merely from our test database.

Next, I need to search for a list that has any timestamp data, since this is one of the required parameters. In the last field I can specify the exact date and even time, starting from which the data should be fetched. Here I would like to get user data collected since the beginning of 2018.

Now let’s say, I want to export this data into some readable file. Here, I choose a CSV file, so I’m selecting the CSV connector. Say, I don’t need all data – I just want to have the name of the users and the date of their registration – so, these will be the headers that I would enter here. Now in the “writer” section, I can map the data from the database to the soon-to-be-created CSV file; of course, the more headers I would enter up higher, the more fields I would see in the writer section. Since I have only two headers – I have only two fields here.

Now let’s finish this integration flow by sending the CSV file as an attachment to an email address. This way we can revisit the previous topic of attachments once more. As always, I need to fill in the required fields – here I just provide some background information. And after we’ve done that, we can publish the draft and start the flow.

As you can see, here is our CSV file sent as an attachment – and the CSV file contains our desired user data.