Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

January 2021

Continuous Performance Testing in CI/CD with Jenkins Plugin

We’ve released a new version of our load testing plugin for Jenkins CI. Load Testing CI/CD Plugin helps to run load tests automatically as a Post-build action and mark the build as PASSED, UNSTABLE or FAILED based on errors received during the test run and the average response time. Use the Post build actions and define your load test limits in order to mark the build UNSTABLE or FAILED.

Top 5 Reasons for Using Apache JMeter

If you haven’t heard of Apache JMeter, then here is a short intro on what is it and how it works. We’ll keep this article short and jump straight to the list of top reasons to use Apache JMeter: Apache JMeter has a GUI for designing test scenarios, however the command-line is used for actually running the tests (run your JMeter tests in the cloud with JMeter Load Testing tool from LoadFocus).

What is a Good Example of Load Testing?

Whenever I get asked why do I need load testing or why is load testing so important, over and over again I come up with this simple example. Let’s say that you send an email campaign to 10,000 subscribers of your website/blog. What will happen to your website if 1000 subscribers open the email they’ve just received and the email is super interesting and they decide to click the action button in the email, link which will take them back to your website.

How to Improve your WordPress Performance Score

We managed to get a 99/100 Performance Score with Google Lighthouse, check the details below how we did it. Read more on how to run a Google Lighthouse audit. First of all, you’ll need to install a list of WordPress plugins, activate and configure them. This will manage your JS, CSS assets and minify the HTML for all pages. JavaScript Options We’ve only ticked the two options here: CSS Options HTML Options Misc Options 2.