Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

September 2021

Debugging a Node.js Application with a Production Debugger

Production debugging in its current form is a relatively new area of technology that aims to make it easier for developers to solve problems in their code. More often than not, we don’t have all the information we need to solve those hard to reproduce bugs. This leads to long hours of debugging, adding more log lines, and creating separate reproduction environments to try to isolate and reproduce problems.

Heisenbug 101: Guide to Resolving Heisenbugs

Welcome fellow developer, I can see you’ve traveled a long road, why don’t you stay a while and listen? I’ve got some fantastic stories to share; Lessons to imbue your debugging skills with power and wisdom, adding at least 1000 XP to take you to the next level and make your future travels much safer. Hmm, now, where should we start? Have you already faced the terrifying Heisenbugs? They are truly fantastic.