Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

June 2023

A Comprehensive Guide To Build a Successful DataOps Culture in Your Team

Table of Contents Can Goktug Ozdem is the founder of Datrick. He is a data engineer with over nine years of experience in the field. He is a big fan of remote work and is passionate about bringing insights through data while traveling to different parts of the world. DataOps is an orchestration practice for analytics, increasing the degree to which insightful analytics are delivered, atop robust frameworks and systems.

Oracle to BigQuery: 2 Easy Methods

In a time where data is being termed the new oil, businesses need to have a data management system that suits their needs perfectly and positions them to be able to take full advantage of the benefits of being data-driven. Table of Contents Data is being generated at rapid rates and businesses need database systems that can scale up and scale down effortlessly without any extra computational cost.

Cloud Data Warehouse: A Comprehensive Guide

With the advent of modern-day cloud infrastructure, many business-critical applications like databases, ERPs, and Marketing applications have all moved to the cloud. With this, most of the business-critical data now resides in the cloud. Now that all the business data resides on the cloud, companies need a data warehouse that can seamlessly store the data from all the different cloud-based applications. This is where Cloud Data Warehouse comes into the picture.