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Deprecation Timeline for LoadImpact v3.0

In 1940, the American Football Championship Game was played between the Chicago Bears and Washington Redskins. A few weeks earlier the teams faced off and Washington won with a score of 7-3. Moving into the championship game, Chicago knew they had to make a strategic move and adapt the game to regain the upper hand. For the first time in the history of American football, a new strategy was introduced, the “T-formation”.

k6 v0.26.0 released

k6 v0.26.0 is here! This release contains mostly bug fixes, though it also has several new features and enhancements! They include a new JS compatibility mode option, exporting the end-of-test summary to a JSON report file, speedups to the InfluxDB and JSON outputs, http.batch() improvements, a brand new CSV output, multiple layered HTTP response body decompression, being able to use console in the init context, a new optional column in the summary, and Docker improvements!