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Ensuring Data Privacy in Product Analytics: Why Is It Important, and How To Do It?

In our previous Countly Digest, we delved into the top concern of product managers and analysts: tracking user behaviour. It is a crucial aspect of product analytics, as it enables companies to understand user behaviour and preferences, leading to better product development and increased revenue. ‍

From Data to Insights: An Introduction to Product Analytics

At Countly, we’ve been talking about product analytics for over a decade, moving from one in-depth article to the other without really taking the time to give our readers a straightforward handbook to understand this practice and harness its potential. As industry veterans, we'd like to share our two cents on product analytics. ‍

Is Voice of the Customer (VoC) relevant in 2023?

Every so often, different advocates across organizations ignore the Voice of the Customer. This may be due to changes in business priorities, redistribution of resources, focus on new trends, or that they clear a profit regardless. This brings the value of the customer's voice into question: should we still allocate time and effort towards listening to customers when following new trends is the norm? ‍ The short answer is a resounding yes.

5 Ways To Use Analytics For A Successful Product Launch

As a product manager, there are many characteristics that you need to embody to successfully manage a product team and launch a product. The product development process requires a lot of upfront planning before it even moves to production. And even then, the actual management of the design and development process has a greater set of requirements.

Business Metric Strategies: How To Choose the Right Framework To Measure Success

Business metrics provide a quantifiable way to measure the success of a business. They help organizations to track their progress internally while also serving as a way to communicate the performance of a business to stakeholders and external parties. There are hundreds of metrics that could be factored into these calculations, but they need to be specific to an organization to be effective.

Countly Receives SOC 2 Type 2 Certification

As a product analytics solution, establishing a strong sense of trust is vital to what we do. It provides the foundation for the relationships we build with our clients, which in turn allows our clients to confidently provide the services they need to their customers. Data privacy and security are both key components of building a level of trust that is essential for both our customers and ourselves as a company.

On-premise vs. Cloud: Finding the Best Solution for your Product

When thinking about a product analytics solution, an essential component of the process lies in deciding between two types of data storage: cloud or on-premise. Each has its advantages and disadvantages depending on a number of factors, such as the stage or size of a business, budget, etc. Before we can tackle these variables, we should understand what each option entails.

40 Characteristics of a Successful Product Manager

If you currently work as a product manager, are thinking about a job in product management, or work with product managers, one thing is certain: you will hear a different definition of what a ‘product manager’ is (or does) from each person you ask. Is the product manager the “CEO of the product” (which is a broad and misunderstood definition), the person who manages the product (a much narrower view of product management), or both?

How to Benefit from A/B Testing on Mobile

A/B testing is the most effective way to observe users’ behavior with two or more different versions of the same screen or in-app experience. It can help you test variations of an item, generally UI based, to determine which one performs better. Directing some users to version A and others to version B allows you to observe user behavior for each.

Achieving Product Analytics Maturity in Only 4 Steps

“What should you and your business focus on when trying to create better customer journeys and beat competition?” That was the question we asked Countly data captains (also known as Countly customers) when trying to determine how well they collect customer experience metrics and how well they were using that data to make data-driven decisions.