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Testing Methodologies in the Testing Life Cycle

Before you can release your application, you must demonstrate that it functions well and is free of bugs. That proof will necessitate a test plan that incorporates many testing methodologies and employs a range of tests, each of which demonstrates that some component of your application is ready to be deployed. If you're searching for testing tools, you'll want one that supports as many of these testing methodologies as feasible (such as TestQuality).

Visual Regression Testing with Playwright

With Playwright, you can launch or connect to a Chrome, Edge, Safari, or Firefox browser and exchange instructions. The DevTools protocol (for Chrome browsers) and a bespoke protocol (for Firefox and WebKit browsers) are used for these messages. The primary benefit of adopting Playwright over Puppeteer is that Playwright supports many browser manufacturers, whereas Puppeteer exclusively supports Chrome-based browsers.

Selenium Vs : A Comparison Analysis

QA teams and developers have started shifting focus to an open-source test automation tool and framework. Open-source test automation frameworks incorporate the most effective software testing techniques, tools, assumptions, and libraries that may be utilized by many teams. Aside from Selenium test automation framework, another prominent automation testing tool is

Jira Integrations: Integrating Jira and TestQuality Bidirectionally

Jira has been around for almost a decade and continues to thrive. Agile teams adore the power that Scrum and Kanban projects provide. It is also one of the most common problem and bug tracking applications, assisting teams in monitoring, tracking, assigning, and reporting day-to-day activities. Jira integrations, on the other hand, are what every team requires to push the platform's capabilities beyond its current capabilities.

Failing at Integration Testing: Common Mistakes

Integration tests are slow and difficult to maintain because they have substantially more system touch points than unit tests and hence change more often. These elaborate or sophisticated tests provide a role that unit tests cannot replace, thus there is no way to avoid creating them while focusing solely on unit tests.

How to Increase Test Efficiency with TestQuality

Successful software teams are continuously searching for methods to improve the efficiency of its members. They recognize that enhancing the development process is a solid method to increase quality while decreasing time to market. This may necessitate the addition of new tools, but it may also necessitate a step back from day-to-day work to take a fresh look at what we're doing. Think about testing.

Maintaining End-to-End Testing using Cypress with TestQuality

When you're in the early stages of launching a startup, rapid iteration and determining product-market fit should be your top priorities. Unless you know exactly what you need to build, you should write code quickly only to discard it later. Working on test automation doesn't really fit in at this early stage. However, as you develop your product and gain customers, you will need to expand your testing infrastructure or risk losing customers and acceleration.

6 Alternatives to Selenium to Complete Your Testing

Although Selenium is the most known framework for test automation, there are other Selenium alternatives. These Selenium alternatives promise to solve the bottlenecks that arise when using Selenium alone, whether it's making automated testing more efficient and accessible, or catering to other demands that Selenium does not handle. Selenium is a lightweight and portable software testing tool designed primarily for web application testing.

What Is Gherkin & How Do You Write Gherkin Tests?

When it comes to writing and testing software, teams have a lot of alternatives. How do you know what syntax to use and which testing solution is best for you? In this post, we'll look at how to utilize Gherkin and Gherkin tests. We'll go through the syntax, how to construct a test, and the benefits and drawbacks.