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How to Fix the "document is not defined" Error in JavaScript

If you've encountered the "document is not defined" error while working with JavaScript, you're not alone. This common error can be frustrating, but it's usually straightforward to resolve once you understand its causes. Let's explore what this error means, why it occurs, and how to fix it.

How to Handle JavaScript Uncaught TypeError: "x" is Not a Function

The Javascript error TypeError: "x" is not a function occurs when there is an attempt to call a function on an object, which is not actually a function. To illustrate using an analogy, imagine you're in a kitchen following a recipe. The recipe says to use a blender to blend certain ingredients together but you accidentally use a juicer. When you try to blend with a juicer, it doesn't work properly since blending is not a function of the juicer.

Effective Testing in JavaScript

Kernighan & Pike, The Practice of Programming, 1999 Despite constantly changing technologies and the needs of customers, some wisdom seems eternal. Programmers need to test their code. But thorough testing takes time. When we do it well, everything works, and a massive testing effort feels like a waste. However, when we do it badly, our code is often broken, and we wish that we had done better testing. I have some good news for you.

Robust JavaScript Error Handling: Best Practices and Tools

By combining custom errors, named functions, and Bugfender, you can create a robust JavaScript error-handling process that allows you to immediately identify the defects of your JavaScript apps. This article shows you some strategies, approaches, and best practices to ensure you create high-quality and high-performing JavaScript applications. Table of Contents.

Robust JavaScript Exception Handling: Best Practices and Tools

By combining custom errors, named functions, and Bugfender, you can create a robust JavaScript exception-handling process that allows you to immediately identify the defects of your JavaScript apps. This article shows you some strategies, approaches, and best practices to ensure you create high-quality and high-performing JavaScript applications.

Get Fuzzing: An Introduction to Advanced Software Testing for Java and JavaScript

There are many techniques for software testing. However, if you haven’t heard of or used fuzzing, also known as “fuzz testing”, this may be the best post you have ever read. This article will explain what fuzzing is, from its inception in the late 1980s to its evolution to be “smart” today. After that, this article will explain how to use smart fuzzers like Jazzer and Jazzer.js to fuzz Java and JavaScript code, respectively.

Connecting React.js and StimulusJS with JavaScript Events

We recently added a "Getting started" page to the AppSignal, which shows new users a page filled with recommended steps to help them get the most out of their AppSignal experience. Some users enjoy having a helping hand when getting started with AppSignal, others prefer exploring our product solo or already have experience with AppSignal. To give all of our users the option of a guided or solo experience, we needed to a toggle that hides or shows the Getting started page.

Choosing the best JavaScript framework for your next project

The State of Developer Ecosystem 2022 report revealed that 65% of developers are using JavaScript, making it the most popular language. JavaScript also claims the spot of most popular primary language with 34%. Of all the JavaScript developers 80% use at least one JavaScript framework. Though there are thousands of JavaScript frameworks available, only a small subset of them is being used by developers.