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Understanding Type Checking in JavaScript Using typeof

In JavaScript, the type checking operator typeof returns the data type of the argument that was supplied to it. Any variable, function, or object whose type you want to determine using the typeof operator can be used as the operand. The typeof operator can be used to check the data type before execution because JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which means that you do not need to define the type of variables when declaring them.

Building CRUD REST API With Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL

Knowing how to deal with APIs to allow communication between software systems is essential if you're a web developer. This article will show you how to develop a CRUD REST API in a Node.js environment using an Express.js server and a PostgreSQL database. We'll go over how to use node-postgres to connect an Express.js server to PostgreSQL. The API will support HTTP request methods that correlate to the PostgreSQL database from which it gets its data.

TypeScript vs JavaScript: What's the Difference?

Typescript is a free-to-use programming language. This means that Typescript is a combination of JavaScript and other characteristics. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript, which means it contains all of the features of JavaScript plus a few more. JavaScript is an interpreted, lightweight programming language. It's a language for dynamic programming. JavaScript does not support multithreading or multiprocessing. It's used in web development to make HTML pages look better.

How to fix JavaScript Errors

Even if we have a good project plan and a logical concept, we will spend the majority of our time correcting errors. Furthermore, our application can run without obvious errors with JavaScript, we must use various ways to ensure that everything is operating properly. The majority of JavaScript errors in our web applications will be eliminated if we understand both the syntax and how JavaScript works. Furthermore, numerous web services can help us in catching all of them.

Javascript Guide: Resolving the Reference Error

The Javascript ReferenceError occurs when referencing a variable that does not exist or has not yet been initialized in the current scope. Reference errors in Javascript are of a few different types, with variations of each, that may get triggered in code. Some of these are discussed below.

JavaScript Package Managers: NPM Vs YARN Vs PNPM

Package managers are software tools that help programmers and developers to install, update and uninstall packages of code, libraries, or other software. There are many package managers for a variety of programming languages such as JavaScript's NPM and Ruby's GEM. Package managers typically use metadata to determine which versions of a package are available and the dependencies of each version package managers vary in the type of automated software they install and update.