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How to Handle iFrames and Frames in Selenium WebDriver?

Frames and iFrames (Inline Frames) are regularly used in web pages to embed content from external sources or divide a page into multiple sections. Handling frames and iFrames is a common challenge during test automation for the Selenium WebDriver, as switching between different contexts within the same page is necessary to interact with elements appropriately. Read further to learn about the approach to handling frames and iFrames in Selenium WebDriver.

Understanding the Action Class in Selenium and How to Handle It?

While Selenium WebDriver provides essential functions like clicking elements and sending text, there are situations where more advanced functions are needed. The Action Class in Selenium is an advanced feature in the Selenium WebDriver that provides an API for performing complex user interactions like mouse movements, keyboard inputs, drag and drop, and other keyboard and mouse actions.

What is Stale Element Reference Exception in Selenium (and How to Handle It?)

Selenium is a popular web automation tool used to interact with web elements, analyze user actions, and test web applications. However, one of the most common challenges when using Selenium is dealing with the StaleElementReferenceException. This exception can occur when Selenium attempts to interact with an element that is no longer available or has been removed from the DOM (Document Object Model).

Building Smarter Developer AI Agents: QA Automation for Seamless Next-Gen Software Evolution

AI code generation is at a Pareto threshold. The first 80%—writing simple, functional snippets—is relatively straightforward. But the last 20%? That’s where it gets tricky. Building resilient, adaptable systems isn’t just a technical hurdle; it’s a leap of imagination and engineering, similar to the journey toward self-driving cars. Remember when everyone thought fully autonomous vehicles were “just around the corner”?

A Look at Imposter Syndrome Among QAs

It’s that time of year again—performance review season. Reviewing impact statements across various crafts, I’ve noticed a pattern among Quality Engineering (QE) professionals. Statements often focus on test cases, defects found, and deadlines met. But is that truly all we bring to the table? I believe there’s a much broader, often undervalued, impact on the QE role.

Alert and Popup Handling in Selenium Using Simple Steps

Handling alerts and popups is one of the important parts of web automation testing, especially while using Selenium. These dynamic elements, such as JavaScript alerts, confirmation boxes, and model dialogs, can easily interrupt workflows and require specific handling to ensure smooth test execution. Selenium provides strong methods to interact with these elements, but managing them effectively can be complex due to browser focus, timing issues, etc.

Role of AI Agents in Software Testing

If you are looking to add intelligent test automation to your testing processes: AI agents are the answer. Unlike traditional testing tools, which depend on static programming scripts or fragile locators, AI agents learn and evolve with the software they test. That is why they are highly effective in dynamic environments. As a result, AI agents have an important role in maintaining software quality in Agile and DevOps workflows.

TestFlix 2024 Roundup: Global Binge Made Better This Year

You know our passion about bringing you the best conferences possible. After the success of TribeQonf, we set out to make this year’s TestFlix the most remarkable one yet. With a goal to gather close to 20,000 registrations, The Test Tribe team channeled their experience, creativity, and determination into crafting an event that would surpass all expectations. And the result?

QonfX 2024 Rewind: Testing, AI, and the Future

We did a sort of time travel on 20th April at QonfX. If you are not one of the 3000+ people who registered for this event, it is a unique software testing conference that keeps its focus on the Future of Testing. This year was the second edition of QonfX and received even more love than the last time. Feedback like the above filled our social feeds during and post QonfX. We cannot keep a count of the number of times attendees used the words ‘eye-opening’ for the talks given by the speakers.

Accessibility Testing: Where do we start?

My first attempt to understand accessibility and how to test it started back in 2016. I was working for a company where accessibility was already an important part of the process. I was asked to perform accessibility testing on the product to determine whether we could claim to be accessible. Since it was a new subject for me, I was quite confused. Where should I start? Should I be certified to provide a proper assessment? Do I need to request assessments from third-party companies?