Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Applied Machine Learning Prototypes | The Future of Machine Learning

Applied Machine Learning Prototypes or AMPs, are pre-built applications that can be used as a starting point for your next machine learning project. These prototypes are designed to save time and resources by providing a tested and reliable solution to common machine learning problems. Cloudera + Dell + AMD.

Unlock the Full Potential of Hive

In the realm of big data analytics, Hive has been a trusted companion for summarizing, querying, and analyzing huge and disparate datasets. But let’s face it, navigating the world of any SQL engine is a daunting task, and Hive is no exception. As a Hive user, you will find yourself wanting to go beyond surface-level analysis, and deep dive into the intricacies of how a Hive query is executed.

One Big Cluster Stuck: Environment Health Scorecard

Throughout the One Big Cluster Stuck series we’ve explored impactful best practices to gain control of your Cloudera Data platform (CDP) environment and significantly improve its health and performance. We’ve shared code, dashboards, and tools to help you on your health improvement journey. We’d like to provide one last tool.

From Hive Tables to Iceberg Tables: Hassle-Free

For more than a decade now, the Hive table format has been a ubiquitous presence in the big data ecosystem, managing petabytes of data with remarkable efficiency and scale. But as the data volumes, data variety, and data usage grows, users face many challenges when using Hive tables because of its antiquated directory-based table format. Some of the common issues include constrained schema evolution, static partitioning of data, and long planning time because of S3 directory listings.

12 Times Faster Query Planning With Iceberg Manifest Caching in Impala

Iceberg is an emerging open-table format designed for large analytic workloads. The Apache Iceberg project continues developing an implementation of Iceberg specification in the form of Java Library. Several compute engines such as Impala, Hive, Spark, and Trino have supported querying data in Iceberg table format by adopting this Java Library provided by the Apache Iceberg project.

Integrating Cloudera Data Warehouse with Kudu Clusters

Apache Impala and Apache Kudu make a great combination for real-time analytics on streaming data for time series and real-time data warehousing use cases. More than 200 Cloudera customers have implemented Apache Kudu with Apache Spark for ingestion and Apache Impala for real-time BI use cases successfully over the last decade, with thousands of nodes running Apache Kudu.

Cloudera Data Catalog | Data Stewardship, Data Lakes, & GDPR in Pharma

Explore the captivating world of Data Stewardship with a focus on Cloudera's Data Catalog. In this friendly and professional session, our esteemed speaker, Hemanth, will share his expertise and knowledge to foster collaboration and discussion among participants, as we delve into the intricacies of Data Lakes and GDPR compliance within the Pharma industry. During this interactive session, Hemanth will expertly guide participants through key concepts related to Cloudera Data Catalog, including.

Calving Apache Iceberg

Apache Iceberg is an open-source high-performance format for huge analytic tables that brings the reliability and simplicity of SQL tables to big data. It enables engines like Spark, Trino, Flink, Presto, Hive, and Impala to work with the same tables, simultaneously and safely. Discover how Apache Iceberg can transform the way you store and manage your big data, and take your analytics to the next level.