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Build failure rate: Why and how to find your frequently failing builds? | What, why and how to track

In this article, Co-founder and CTO Viktor Benei, explains why you should care about your build failure rate, and how you can monitor and debug builds that are failing frequently using Bitrise Insights.

Build Failure Rate: What, Why and How to track | Bitrise Insights

In this video, Co-founder and CTO Viktor Benei, explains why you should care about your build failure rate, and how you can monitor and debug builds that are failing frequently using Bitrise Insights. By using Bitrise Insights, mobile developers can quickly identify and fix the root cause of build failures, reducing the time and effort spent on resolving them.

Monitoring and optimizing your slowest mobile builds: What, why and how to track

Slow mobile builds can significantly increase wait time during the development process, leading to context switching and reduced productivity. Multiple builds may be required during a pull request review, and slow builds can further prolong the process, particularly if the build fails and needs to be repeated. Read more on how to reduce wait time and improve efficiency throughout the development process with Bitrise Insights.

Automated Release Management: Streamlining iOS App Releases

Our open beta Release Management add-on is now live and centralizes and automates the iOS app release process. Release Management offers a graphical user interface to simplify deployment and automate testing, providing team members and stakeholders with a streamlined way to stay informed about the status of releases. The feature is currently free for all Bitrise users.