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Get the speed you need with our new Linux portfolio

Mobile app developers are obsessed with speed for one simple reason - their customers are too! We expect a lot from the apps we use. They've got to load super fast, always stay up to date, and offer a steady stream of valuable features. For developers, this means relentless pressure to reduce build times and drive efficiency to stay competitive.

Introducing M4 Pro Mac Mini on Bitrise: More Power, Speed & Efficiency for Your CI/CD

Every iOS developer dreams of faster builds, but getting there isn't always straightforward. The reality is, mobile development is a complex process. There are many factors beyond your control—like legal considerations, device compatibility, and app store approvals—that can cause delays and slow things down. The good news is there is one way to speed up your builds without having to cut corners or sacrifice quality: Introducing the Apple M4 Pro Mac Mini on Bitrise.

Best practices for target-based triggers with Bitrise

If you've ever found yourself tangled up in the complexities of setting up CI/CD pipelines, you're familiar with the challenge of mapping code events with build triggers. At times, you may wish to initiate a few checks, while at other times, you prefer to execute several checks at once. It can be slow and, at times, frustrating to ensure that only those CI checks are triggered that are relevant to the code change. A better, more scalable approach? Target-based triggering.

How to set up a monorepo with Bitrise

Over 4000 engineering teams are building mobile apps and related projects using Bitrise. One trend we’ve observed is the increasing use of monorepos by some organizations. In this blog, I’ll show you an example setup that demonstrates the current best practice for using Bitrise CI with monorepos. You can use this as a reference for your own monorepo to achieve a CI setup that prioritizes efficiency, autonomy of project teams, and effective governance.

Accelerate your Gradle builds with Gradle Config Cache

There’s a major enhancement for Android developers on Bitrise: our Gradle Config Cache integration is now available to dramatically reduce your build times and make your CI/CD workflows faster and more efficient. This feature is exclusively available as part of Bitrise Build Cache and brings together the best of Gradle and Bitrise to cut down those frustrating waits.

App Store developers: the DSA deadline is looming - are you ready?

Is your app available in the App Store in the EU? Then you hopefully already know about this change, but in case you don't: To comply with the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA), Apple is asking that all developers declare their trader status in App Store Connect by February 17, 2025. Failure to do so might lead to your app being removed from the EU App Store.

Onboarding new software on a deadline: Microsoft Visual Studio App Center shutdown

With just two months to go until the deprecation date for Microsoft Visual Studio App Center, it might feel like there’s a mountain to climb. However, with a clear plan and the right resources (spoiler alert: free templates here or at the end of this post), you can turn this challenge into a success story. Let’s get going.

Bitrise helps BuzzFeed optimize its mobile development to grow customer engagement

From the advent of the internet in the 90s to the rise of social media and now AI, the entertainment and media industry keeps evolving rapidly. Through these changes, we've seen the emergence of the 'attention economy', leading media companies to seek out new ways to win the hearts and loyalty of customers and keep them coming back. These shifts in the market and user expectations have led BuzzFeed, a Bitrise customer, to reinvent its audience experience to better serve its loyal customers.

Now available for Enterprise, too: Apple API authentications on Bitrise

If you're part of the Apple Enterprise developer program, you know how tricky it is to maintain the connection between your CI/CD and App Store Connect. It used to rely on your Apple ID and password. This often led to unexpected issues and disruptions in your workflow. But as of the latter half of 2024, with the official Apple Enterprise Program API (App Store Connect), you have a reliable way to establish and maintain that connection.

BrowserStack and Bitrise partner to help mobile developers build, test and release apps faster with confidence

In the alphabet of mobile app development, it’s always been our honor to be so close to BrowserStack, so when the opportunity arose to officially partner up to improve your mobile DevOps experience: it was a no-brainer. We’re partnering to offer our customers access to best-in-class mobile-first CI/CD and automated mobile device testing, including an incredible free product offer.