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Key Algorithms in Machine Learning

Over the past few years, you’ve probably heard plenty of talk about Machine Learning and its business applications, including increased revenue, better customer service, fraud detection, and inventory/supply chain management. However, do you know how Machine Learning works and how it, and its many algorithms, can actually help your business?

5 Ways Turn Your Hotel into a Smart Hotel with IoT Analytics

IoT (Internet of Things) Analytics is revolutionizing service delivery in the hospitability industry. Many hotels already use IoT devices, including voice assistants, smart thermostats, automated door locks, to greatly enhance guest experience. With the right IoT Analytics tools, you can also use the data collected by these IoT devices and sensors to drive down costs and improve maintenance while making your guests happier from the moment they book their stay.

Customer Sentiments: What do your customers actually think?

Modern social analytics tools expand the insights you can get into the performance of your products, services, and related marketing campaigns. Looking beyond internal data sources, these tools can analyze external sources, including social media, chats, and forums, to reveal what your customers really think about your company’s services.

Give your web analytics a boost with heatmaps

Visualization helps you put huge sums of data gathered from web analytics tools into a visual format that’s easier to understand. Spreadsheets and lists just can’t convey the meaning of data the way a chart can. It helps you gain insights, find trends and patterns, show large amounts of data at scale, and identify items for further analysis. One way to use visualization with web analytics is through “heatmaps” that reveal insights about user behavior.