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Working apart together: how to improve outcomes with data analytics

While originally a crisis response to enable business continuity, flexible work options are starting to define the modern workplace. Organizations around the world were thrust into digital transformation almost overnight, but it looks like the trend of remote working arrangements is going to continue in 2021.

A Guide to Agile Development: Getting Started with a Checklist

I’m sharing my experience as part of transitioning various programs and projects in adopting agile principles, which in part or in total made them successful. This blog series will give a guideline of steps for an organization to successfully start Agile Transformation from scratch, from having no understanding of agile to being a successful team in delivering the objectives of the project.

The telco industry isn't slowing down: what to expect and prioritize in 2021

2020 was all about problem-solving. And indeed, the industry was able to come up with creative and innovative solutions to address emerging threats and challenges—unexpected and not. So, what will the this new year bring for telecommunications? Here are five trends predicted to shape the telco industry in 2021.

The road to data quality: Getting to customer 360 faster with Machine Learning

Read Part 1 here > Data analytics is a complex process that demands time and effort from data scientists. From cleaning and prepping data to performing data analysis, data scientists go through an extensive procedure to uncover hidden patterns, identify trends, and find correlations in data to make informed business decisions. The task of integrating, cleaning, and organizing data assets often take up the bulk of the data scientist’s time.

Service & data integration: how to manage a multi-provider environment

To be able to deliver the latest and greatest services to customers and clients today, telcos must employ different vendors, subcontractors, and technology partners to fulfill market needs. While this allows organizations to cover all the bases, it also means disparate data sources, different technologies and schemas, and distinct internal workflows and processes—all of which can result in a disjointed customer experience, all the way from sales to service.

5 ways Machine Learning can improve the data cataloging process

Data is an essential asset for any business, with comprehensive efforts made to generate, source, and prepare it for analytical use. But just as important as collection and cleaning is ensuring its accessibility for users across the organization. This highlights the need for an organized data inventory—a directory that makes it possible to easily sort, search, and find the data assets required. In other words, you need a data catalog, a core component of master and meta data management.

MDM in telcos: Why it's important and how to automate it through ML

Data volume in the telecommunications sector is growing at an incredible rate and organizations need to find solutions to various data challenges that may arise. Not only should you expect to encounter challenges in storing data, but also in streamlining the different processes and workflows needed to manage it efficiently. This includes sourcing data, ensuring its quality and uniformity, and providing access to relevant users, among other activities.

5 signs your telco CX is lacking-and how data science can help

Modern customers only expect the best. And with the pandemic leading to a lot of disruption, it’s become even more important for telcos to stay focused on continuously improving customer satisfaction and ensure a great experience is provided across various touchpoints. Take a step back and assess whether your organization is letting customers down. Here are 5 things to steer clear of.

5 application security risks telcos should look out for

The telco industry is ripe with application security risks—find out why. The telecommunications industry has seen its fair share of cyberattacks over the years, and these are only going to grow in frequency and sophistication. Without a robust cybersecurity strategy in place, these vulnerabilities will persist. This is why security should be an ongoing effort in any telecom organization, and vulnerabilities must be systematically addressed to ensure protection.

Big data & analytics: 10 facts and figures you need to know

Digitalization and the rapid technological development have resulted in an abundance of data across industries, and this volume is only expected to increase. To extract insights from “big data” – data sets that are too large or complex for traditional data processing technologies – organizations need sheer processing power, raw storage, and strong data analytics capabilities.