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Remote Work

Effective Strategies for Managing a Hybrid Workplace in Saas Businesses

Offering remote working options to employees allows them to work globally and achieve a better work-life balance. For companies, this means tapping into the global talent pool and finding top candidates. Thus, hybrid workplaces, which combine office and remote work, are becoming increasingly popular. However, managing such environments comes with unique challenges. Leaders must use innovative approaches to maintain team cohesion, support well-being, and leverage technology for optimal productivity.

Decoding the Dynamics of Software Development Team Structure

In the realm of software development, success isn't merely about the lines of code; it's about the people behind them and how they collaborate. The structure of a software development team lays the foundation for efficient communication, effective problem-solving, and ultimately, the delivery of high-quality products. In this exploration, we delve into the intricate layers of software development team structures, uncovering the roles, methodologies, and strategies that drive innovation and productivity.

Hacks for Remote Workers to Boost Productivity and Save Time

Remote work has become increasingly popular in the digital era among organizations worldwide. However, it poses significant challenges to employees, including managing time, staying productive, and maintaining a work-life balance. According to a recent survey, employees in a WFH setup often spend an average of 2.6 more hours per day than those who work in an office. However, despite working longer hours, they are still more likely to struggle with productivity due to the lack of structure and distractions at home.

Welcome to the decade of data

To quote Hemingway: change happens gradually, then suddenly. We see this in the world around us. Think back to 2019. There’s no denying how much the pandemic reshaped our professional and personal lives, with technology driving this change at massive scale. Yet these changes, despite their ubiquity, are really the culmination of trends like cloud and automation that were well underway.

What's Better: WebWork Time Tracker or Toggl Track?

The rise of remote work has brought forward relatively new software products called time trackers. As more and more companies were going remote, they needed a way to monitor their employees’ work to ensure proper workflow. That’s when they started to use time trackers. Despite the general resistance towards time trackers, time and proper use proved them important. Both companies and employees realized how beneficial time trackers can be both for the company and for personal use.

Embracing remote-first: how we communicate and collaborate at Ably

Like many other companies, Ably began working remotely because of the Covid pandemic. In time, we discovered that a remote-first approach is well suited and a key driver to our success. Remote-first makes the most sense to us, considering our mission and the goals we want to achieve. It has many perks, such as being able to hire diverse talent from all over the globe, as well as reaching more customers with our technology and product offering.

Future of work: Five lessons startups can learn from their sales teams as the world goes remote

One of the COVID-related changes that seems unlikely to be reversed is the increase in remote work. Particularly in tech, many companies have done away with office requirements entirely. For startups, this will have a profound effect on the ways they will grow, hire, and build culture. For individuals, it will mean figuring out a new routine and approach to daily life.

Remote work and Mobile DevOps with Joe Birch | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Joe Birch is a Senior Engineer at Buffer, a Google Developer Expert, builder of, and the creator of ChordAssist, the accessible smart guitar for the blind, deaf, and mute. His experience in working from home at Buffer — an entirely remote company — and his work in the developer community give him a unique perspective on today’s changing work climate and its challenges.

Top 5 Tools For Remote Workers

In 2020, Growmotely released a study and found out that 74% of business professionals expect remote work to become standard. The same study found that 97% of employees don’t want to return to the office full-time. Another striking statistic is that 61% of employees prefer being fully remote. With these kinds of statistics, it is only reasonable to expect that remote work will continue to become a new normal for many corporations, even those that are less modern and more traditional.

Simplify your Work from Home Challenges with Test Automation Tool Testsigma

One day suddenly the whole world locked down to prevent the pandemic from being spread uncontrollably. When machines and factories were all stopped – your social media, mobile applications, and all the digital world was still operating at the same pace as before. Even if you did not notice, millions of developers and testers worked from their homes to keep you online and help you share your thoughts, purchase essential supplies and view live news.