Add the Bugfender SDK to an iOS app

Add the Bugfender SDK to an iOS app

With Bugfender you can debug your app remotely, find the bugs faster and provide better customer service. Follow this guide to add Bugfender to your iOS app using cocoapods.

Thanks to new languages like Kotlin and Swift we can see more and more web programmers jumping into the native development. We started this series of videos with basic tutorials to help new developers and also experienced developers coming from other platforms (React Native, Xamarin, Ionic…).

This video can be used as a guide to start creating a new Xcode project and integrating the Bugfender SDK with cocoapods, but if you want to go further we have a lot of tutorials and articles in our docs and in our blog.

As you can see, having a remote console for your apps is a 5-minutes task that can save you hours of debug in production.

See you in the next video. Happy debugging!