How to solve the data discoverability problem with Data Portal and Flink

How to solve the data discoverability problem with Data Portal and Flink

May 30, 2024

Learn how the Data Portal and Apache Flink® in Confluent Cloud can help developers and data practitioners find the data they need to quickly create new data products.

Try Data Portal now without worrying about the setup or configuration in Confluent Cloud:

► Data Portal on Confluent Cloud -


00:00 - Intro

00:21 - Data Portal Overview

02:47 - Query with Flink

03:21 - Requesting access to data

04:08 - Create tags via UI

04:40 - Add Business Metadata

05:55 - Create business metadata and tags via Terraform

07:24 - Conclusion

Confluent is pioneering a fundamentally new category of data infrastructure focused on data in motion. Confluent’s cloud-native offering is the foundational platform for data in motion – designed to be the intelligent connective tissue enabling real-time data, from multiple sources, to constantly stream across the organization. With Confluent, organizations can meet the new business imperative of delivering rich, digital front-end customer experiences and transitioning to sophisticated, real-time, software-driven backend operations. To learn more, please visit

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