Web Accessibility & Automated Testing w/Ghost Inspector for GAAD 2021

Web Accessibility & Automated Testing w/Ghost Inspector for GAAD 2021

May 20th, 2021 marks the 10th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). According to the team at GAAD an estimate 1 billion people worldwide have disabilities, common disabilities include hearing, cognitive, visual, and motor. The web is an essential resource in many aspects of life. It's important that we provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with diverse abilities. Access to information and communications technologies (including websites and web apps) is defined as a basic human right in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

We’re proud to bring you a webinar with guest speaker Ivan Noé from Chapman University to provide an overview on web accessibility and the impact it has on disability community. He'll be joined by Ghost Inspector Founder & CEO, Justin Klemm. Justin will guide us through how to evaluate and address common accessibility issues on your website.

Web accessibility is the process of making websites and web apps accessible to everyone including people with vision, hearing, or other disabilities that may or may not require the use of assistive technology like screen readers or special keyboards. Furthermore, there is a strong business case for accessibility. Accessible design coupled with proper accessibility testing improves the overall user experience of your website and provides expanded access to a greater audience. In some situations, web accessibility may even be required by law.

We hope you join us in learning more about becoming a digital a11y!