Ghost Inspector

Seattle, WA, USA
  |  By Ghost Inspector
Usability is critical for the success of any website or web application. To make sure your web-based project is bug-free, you need to run UI tests, many of which can—and should—be automated. Doing so lets you detect issues like bugs, slow loading times, or poor responsiveness so you can fix them before they make a bad impression on users. But while you can find a lot of UI testing tools online, this abundance of options makes it challenging to choose the right UI tool for your project.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
I love this quote, though I’m not quite sure if “Jan Houtema” is a real person. It may be a Paul Graham pseudonym… But in any case, yes, change breaks brittle things and one of the challenges of automated browser testing is to mitigate that effect as much as possible while you design tests for an ever-changing application.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
When we initially started building our test recorder, we needed a way to validate the id attributes being used on the page. We would sometimes capture an id attribute in a recording, only to find that it failed when we used it in a test, because it didn’t meet specification. For instance, sometimes websites would use an id with a number in front, like this: That is technically invalid, at least in the HTML4 specification.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
This post originally appeared on the Build Blog by ThinkApps. View the original post by Runscope’s VP of Developer Relations, Neil Mansilla. So you’ve designed, built and launched your app. Before you pat yourself on the back and move on to the next project, your work isn’t quite done. In order for your app to gain adoption, consistently delight users and be successful for the long haul, you need to put certain systems and workflows in place.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
Many people don’t test their WordPress websites, and it’s a problem. While the core of WordPress is fairly well-tested by its creators, users, and the open-source community, the same cannot be said for every plugin and theme. There’s an infinite combination of versions, hosting environments, plugins, themes, and configurations. You can’t trust the community to catch every bug that could affect your website.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
Regression testing is an important practice in software development. It tests to ensure your application remains stable and reliable even as changes and updates are introduced. Each new change introduces a risk of breaking existing functionalities, potentially causing shipping delays or launch postponements. Evaluating your application against a full suite of tests helps find and fix unexpected software bugs or errors.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
Quality Assurance (QA) teams must run extensive tests to ensure that a website or application performs as intended before release. However, rather than manually running these tests, which can hinder productivity, modern teams are using QA automation. By automating QA testing workflows, teams can rapidly execute these tests using standardized processes, frameworks, and software. Developers can quickly fix any errors and deliver high-quality code so that product teams can speed up release times.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
Modern development strategies require implementing a continuous integration and delivery/deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to consistently deliver high-quality software and updates. To achieve this, development teams must create a CI/CD pipeline that effectively automates and accelerates the software development lifecycle. This enables developers to build and deploy better code faster. But, to create a well-functioning CI/CD pipeline, they need to use the right CI/CD tools.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
It’s hard to know who to trust for automated testing tools. With so many options, deciding which one will fit your specific needs can be tough. That’s why we’re breaking down the top tools in the industry, their advantages and disadvantages, the tests they’re used for, their price points, and more. We’ll also share user reviews and give you our recommendations to help you find the perfect fit for your business needs.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
You’re searching for “Selenium alternatives” because, while Selenium is a popular open-source test automation tool, it has certain limitations. Its slow execution speed can be problematic when dealing with large test suites or complex applications. The basic reporting and analytics features make finding problems and testing results difficult. It also lacks a mobile app testing focus — an essential feature for most organizations.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
Join us in an insightful interview with Tai Fujimura, Founder and CEO of Cantilever, a renowned web design and development consultancy serving clients like Esquire, The Bipartisan Policy Center, and The American Cancer Society. 🌐 About Cantilever: Since 2011, Cantilever has been delivering top-notch services in web design, branding, digital product design, and technical consulting. With a commitment to excellence, equity, and sustainability, Cantilever has become a trusted partner for businesses globally.
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🚀 Discover how our intuitive UI revolutionizes testing, making it accessible for non-developers. From robust tests to seamless automation, find out why Cantilever recommends Ghost Inspector to their clients.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
In this video, Emilio will guide you through how to set up your Ghost Inspector account, create tests, and take advantage of the most popular features on our platform.
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Discover how Ghost Inspector has transformed businesses. Here's what our customers are saying.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
WordPress is a powerful tool for building great websites, but all great websites need great testing too. Join our founder, Justin Klemm, as he walks us through the best practices for QA testing WordPress websites. He'll also take us on a tour of the Ghost Inspector WordPress plugin. If you're using WordPress this is a webinar you won't want to miss.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
School is in session so we think it’s a great time for a beginners’ webinar. Join our Senior Operations & Strategy Manager Renata Santillan as she guides us through creating tests with Ghost Inspector and how to use our checking email feature. This is a great webinar for first time users and anyone interested in getting started with Ghost Inspector.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
LayerCI is a continuous integration service that offers preview environments for full‑stack web apps. LayerCI can provision complete instances of your application for every branch, making it easy to run your Ghost Inspector browser tests across all of your code changes. During this 30 minute video, we will demonstrate.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
Here at Ghost Inspector even some of our power users will ask, "Am I using Ghost Inspector to its full potential?" Maybe Ghost Inspector is so easy to use that sometimes it can feel like it’s too easy? Join us for this webinar on June 24th where our founder Justin Klemm will be covering advanced use cases and best practices when it comes to getting the most out of Ghost Inspector. We’ll cover nooks and crannies of our features that you may have missed and help unlock Ghost Inspector to the max!
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May 20th, 2021 marks the 10th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). According to the team at GAAD an estimate 1 billion people worldwide have disabilities, common disabilities include hearing, cognitive, visual, and motor. The web is an essential resource in many aspects of life. It's important that we provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with diverse abilities. Access to information and communications technologies (including websites and web apps) is defined as a basic human right in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  |  By Ghost Inspector
This video discussed what assertions are and how to use them in the context of automated browser testing.

Automated Browser Testing & Monitoring. Easily build browser tests for your website or application. Monitor continously.

Ghost Inspector is an automated website testing and monitoring solution that allows you to check for bugs/issues/problems with your website or web application.

Typically, developers (or their QA team) will check for problems by manually testing the system, or by hand coding tedious tests. This is slow, costly, and often allows things to be missed. Ghost Inspector makes this much more efficient. We provide both a Chrome extension for recording tests right in your browser, as well as a test editing interface for manually building your tests.

Once tests are created, they’re stored and run in the cloud without any setup on the customer's end. Tests can be run manually, on a set schedule, or via our API. Results are stored indefinitely and notifications can be emailed to you.

Catch website bugs and regressions before they cost you.